
I have often found it kind of odd when people try to connect a political candidate with people who are branded as supporting them because by the same logic I could ask, "Doesn't the Black Panthers support Hillary?" or "Doesn't Putin support Hillary?", which both do by the way. And I have often wondered why any

So you have drank the KoolAid, excellent. Sadly while there are racists in the Republican Party, the Democrats are far worse because they smile at you, whisper that ethnics cannot get along without them, all the while supporting groups like Planned Parenthood who want to erradicate them. You cannot deny that it has

So, if I share from my own experience it is invalid or a lie? Your verbiage smacks of social elitism and regurgitated pap. Historical truth and personal experience are factual no matter how much you want to brand them otherwise. While I "progressively" became a conservative after working hand-and-hand with the

Interestingly and sadly growing up in a strong Catholic Democrat household, my mother detested Martin Luther King Jr. because he was a Republican. And we were told by our grandfather that in order to keep blacks in their place people needed to vote Democrat, the party of the Klan. My father who was more of a reasoned