
Not the point. Read the part that I quoted and replied to - reinforcing cultural stereotypes is anti-feminism, and misandry is also against equality. It doesn’t matter whether we’re actually in a post-gender world now or ever - it’s just a framing for the argument that pushing gender inequality under the name of

You don’t realize how right you are. Next week there’ll be an expose on how a bunch of MRA men attacked her due to this “article”. Cross-posted from Jezebel though.

5. Also, women do it, too.

4. So why do you hate poetry, lady?

3. That’s really their right. I mean, what is T.S. Elliot’s “The Hollow Men” but a long Twitter thread written by one guy?

2. If people want to number their points and turn Twitter into a powerpoint deck or something...

1. Imma let you finish, but...

</THREAD> </THREAD> or I’ll have a seizure

Next week: “men please stop hurting my feelings” -Alana Hope Levinson

Saying mostly men do this without explanation reinforces that this is “male,” that certain behaviours are innately rather than culturally masculine or feminine, which is obviously dangerous.

There is this thing that people (mostly men) love to do on Twitter, something other than harass women and send DMs of their half chubs. It’s called threading, and it’s one of the many things ruining my Twitter experience.

It really does come off like something that one would write for a college alternative newsletter, doesn’t it?

I’d love to see more data on how you have connected this phenomenon to gender.

I feel even worse that I clicked this shit article.

It’s already called “tweetstorm”; I think this has to be a joke because otherwise, it’s just stupid.

Yeah, check out this manthread someone just posted:

No, she doesn’t. Feminists like you (or in general, I don’t know you well enough) don’t have to answer for the worst of their kind, no more than the “model minority” or “talented tenth” represent their respective races. You do you, let this shit die on it’s own cross.

What does this have to do with men? When you position it like that it just looks like you’re trolling for clicks.

Well of course men would be more prone to this. How often do women have ideas that take more than 140 characters to express?

This is an issue invented solely for the sake of having an issue. I hope you feel bad for writing this article when you look back on it in the future. You make feminists like me look bad.