
That’s back alley dice. No imaginary craps table present, and throwing the imaginary dice on the ground.

There are some great photos to accompany that piece. And at least the Post’s typeface doesn’t make his name look like “Girl Nathan.”

This liberal bias is exactly why I canceled my subscription to Deadspin. I just read all the words in the articles and comment sometimes.

You should look into the nuvaring. I am an obgyn and wholeheartedly endorse it’s use, especially for moderately short term situations like yours. It’s essentially fool proof and if you know what you are doing you can start the next months ring early and be basically period free. It also doesn’t have the same side

What is this State and/or City income tax of which you speak?

My current cat is named Freya, and I want to get her a little brother (because I am determined to uphold my family's tradition of being crazy cat people) and I think it would be super cute if I happened to find one who is missing an eye so I can have a Freya and an Odin. Or a 3-legged one named Tyr. Or a ginger one

Who are the Sixers?

These are batting-cage-free chickens.

Shep McAllister, take note: That’s how you promote a sale.

Not this parenting media tho! This is different.

Think about what a colossal shithead you have to be to “undermine the reputation” of the Cleveland Browns.

Americans like their crossovers.

The copywrite warning I post on Facebook every few months is good though right?

This is review is very good, I’d like to know more.

FTE is just god fucking awful. Whatever Silver writes is usually good; the rest of the site is full of scintillating analyses like “Statistically, the Rachel haircut was less popular after Friends left the airwaves” or “The team that scores the most runs wins 99.99% of the time in MLB (with a margin of error of +/-

I mean those things will definitely make you healthier but they don’t guarantee weight loss.

I used to work for GIA and though I was not a diamond grader, I am still a qualified gemologist. There’s an awful lot of misperceptions about reselling diamonds, including some things in that article.

SIMMONS: Pack up your bags. We’re starting our own sports website.

I have encountered this in my intern year. Many attendings and fellow residents also have stories of seeing this. I know it came from a journal but the claim of 80 in North America seems incredibly low especially considering I can account a handful of cases at just one NYC hospital.

Secondly, yeah these people are