
Unfortunately criminalising the client (the ‘Nordic model’) doesn’t help the workers. Sex workers still need to make a living and access clients. As an analogy, imagine allowing people to be hairdressers, but making it illegal to get your hair cut. There will still be stylists wanting to cut your hair, but you’ll have

There are some dangerous or violent people who are also clients of sex workers. The stigmas and secrecy that often goes along with sex work can contribute to some offenders thinking they will ‘get away with it’ because they assume the worker won’t get support from police and social services. Luckily in my country that

I’ve listened to a lot of people who’ve exited the industry. One interesting thing about decriminalisation is that if people want to leave sex work it’s easier because they’ve held a legal, recognised job. I’m not saying there is not still stigma (of course there is). By offering alternative career pathways,

Hi Healing crystals I just answered above - sorry I’m late to this thread. Sex workers more often experience violence from clients in jurisdictions where sex work is criminalised.

The research shows that it’s due to stigma - the idea that sex workers are ‘disposable’ or ‘asking for it’ leads some people to treat sex workers as an easy target.

no need to legalise, just decriminalise and bring sex work in line with all other forms of paid labour; same labour laws, same health and safety expectations, same rights.

It’s not correct that sex workers are paid to do things “no person who viewed themselves as human would do”. You can be a sex worker, feel fully human and deserving of love, and make choices about your style of work.

If you decriminalise rather than legalise you don’t need a separate government entity to oversee sex work. That’s what we do here in New Zealand.

Ah sorry, I must have skipped that bit

I’m so confused. This was a reaction gif of Benedict Cumberbatch. Matt Smith is a different person. And neither of them is playing Manson.

This sounds ASTONISHING. Must try.

Decriminalisation is slightly different to regulation/legalisation. The decriminalised model we have here in NZ means sex work is treated the same as other industries, with the same expectations about worker health and safety, the same penalties for exploitation, and access to employment court and the like.

there’s a line of blue writing below the photo that says ‘see translation’...

I think this misses the point that you can sign on to ‘orgies’ or whatever but still want to draw the line at accomodating John Holmes (!). To throw our hands up and say ‘they agreed to it, what did they expect?’ is a bit the same argument as people who say that sex workers can’t be raped. And I can’t agree with that.

Only in America could a cheeseburger evoke opulence.

I think Nightvale meant all the ‘plus size’ models on this season of Project Runway are hourglass-shaped.

Totally agree. I recently bought some glass art by someone in the style of Chihuly...I’ve loved Chihuly’s work for 20 years, but the knock-off looks as good on my wall as the real thing would, at one twentieth of the price. *shrug*

There is a movie in the works. Jack is in it, that’s all I know.

Totally agree. And as the white wife of a man of Indian heritage, I can tell you neither he nor his parents (who live with us) regard me as a prize because I’m white. He regards me as a prize because I’m funny, smart, a competent parent and (to him) sexy. They regard me as a poor substitute for the daughter-in-law