
Great for teaching an AI on how to play matchmaker on her assets in her downtime.

I am weirdly possessive about her because all my friends is in love with her as Cookie and I'm like — no she was mine first! She was killing it as Det. Carter for 3 years and these bitches didn't have a clue.

Damn if only Root had this mission earlier in the season we could have seen Shaw's reaction to the wedding dress. Turned on yet extremely annoyed.

Dichen has a nerd following from Dollhouse and The 100.

Wow fucking A. When PoI gives us an emotional episode, it really delivers. The whole blurring of memories between Carter and Reese really reminded me of Memento.

Oh what I would give to hear John's internal monologue about Team Machine.

Good God, Internet!

I hope this win will motivate the writers to not kill Root before Shaw could return

or Bear

I honestly didn't expect them to win since they're so underrated but yeah it's pretty amazing. On another show you can't even imagine that these kind of characters would fit so well together but PoI fleshed them out so well, individual journeys and all and you put them together and they're just so right for each other.

He was also the good cop to Kara Stanton's murder cop.

I embraced Reese's lameness. It's endearing tbh.

If anyone's going to kill Martine, I want it to be Shaw.

Also that time in the CIA safe house with 10 hours to kill.

You're not alone. We all have an unhealthy crush on Amy Acker.

Root shrugging and taking a bite before putting on a gas mask as she gassed everyone in the room was so funny like it is such a daily occurrence to her lol

Yes we need this flashback!

How can a trained agent like Martine be beaten up by Root in a fight? Shaw must have spent hours training Root, that's the only explanation I will accept.

lol someone is getting paid to come up with these shit

Marie Antoinette is visually stunning. I fucking love that movie.