
Martine was a badass with that shotgun scene in the bar.
Lambert is so weirdly endearing to me, I don't even know why.

I read in one of the interviews back then that they really wanted a Catwoman so they added Shaw. Also Caviezel is getting tired of doing all the action scenes and stunts himself.

Pretty much every nickname Fusco gives to Root. Coco Puffs, Nutella, Banana Nut Crunch.

In my head, they would be having stakeouts, working the numbers and reminiscing the good old days with Wonderboy and Cocoa Puffs.

The score playing while Shaw was getting shot in ITE paired with Root's heartbreaking despair haunts me til this day. That was amazing.

Reese: “Try not to die.”
Fusco: “Yeah, I love you too.”

Deus Ex Machina - just for that ending montage alone with Radiohead's Exit Music(For a Film) and Root's pandora's box monologue
Root Path

Shaw getting teary eyed and holding back her tears broke my heart.

Martine and Lambert staying bitter on the sidelines because Samaritan won't let them in with the major missions.

Team Machine would be Harold, Fusco and Carter vs Team Samaritan Evil!Shaw, Evil!Root and Evil!Reese

Love that we got to see the alternate reality where there's no Machine. In a perfect world we would have gotten a full episode of that a la RAM. One thing I noticed, Root wasn't her usual joyful, perky self.

Yeah I think shoot makes more sense.

I can chew ping-pong balls out of my vagina.
Constance Zimmer is just captivating.

Wow. Truly heartbroken. The cellphones of the dead bodies were all ringing non-stop. This is just horrific.

We really missed out on some Team Machine bonding moments after Shaw's return. I was hoping they would show the team just hanging out in the subway, cleaning their guns and eating takeout. Damn it, I blame CBS.

It's really funny how Shaw is just annoyed and inconvenience when people are trying to kill her.

Comment sections on other sites are especially awful with the amount of hate for the writers, some people are still pissed with what happen to Root and may have bias with how they watch the new episodes.

Bear will have to replace Root as the analog interface. It's only fair.

It was oddly touching of Reese to be so sensitive about dealing with Shaw's grief. He really knows how to handle Shaw and I will really miss their friendship when the show is over. Not a lot of shows put value on platonic male/female friendships.

Zoe, Frankie, Dani plus Leon are the dream team! Maybe Shaw can join if she survives.