
If the worst complaint about that mom is that she took the kid to a Pink concert, then I‘d say she sounds like a pretty good parent. The litigious, petty, joyless dad however, probably shouldn’t be clearing space for his father of the year-award just yet...

Pink is beautiful and talented!

Pink is so tame (and awesome) in the grand scheme of pop. I’d be surprised if my non-existent tween daughter wanted to go to her show and I would take her in a heartbeat. I saw her once opening for Lenny Kravitz and it was a very fun, pro-woman kind of show. Empowerment is pretty much what Pink is all about.

Talk about living your best life. She’s so fucking badass.

If anything, this little girl just gained a badass role model. Pink is the goddamn bees knees.

We were just discussing last night that Pink is an acceptable artist for our kids to listen to.

Now playing

So the dad dragged his kid through some litigation bullshit.
And the mom gave the kid this:

I liked Pink when she first came out but it wasn’t until after her Behind the Music special that I absolutely grew to love her. Clearly the dad’s just jealous because he didn’t get to go to the concert and experience her greatness.

After seeing Bronson, I would absolutely not fuck with Tom Hardy, but I would fuck Tom Hardy.

If that little dude the lady is holding really is, as he appears to be, wearing a teeny-tiny kilt complete with a teeny-tiny sporran, I will die from the cuteness. Who knew they made them in infant sizes.

Sorry, I’m not seeing it. You know what these look like? You know those catalogs you’ve never signed up for, but magically show up in your mailbox quarterly? Full of weird, hippy asymmetrical dresses that lace up and shit made of velvet with Mandarin collars? Like, Pyramid Collection shit? That’s what this looks like.

Yes, I feel bad for Travolta. He saw what they did to Spanky and her kids and he stayed. I feel its kind of mean for the entertainment reporters to ask him about Going Clear, its like asking someone living under Kim Jung Un for their honest opinion. They can’t answer other than the proscribed party line.

Two thoughts:
1) Wasn’t David O Russell a complete douchepocalypse to Lily Tomlin during I <3 Huckabee’s? I think that sets a standard of mean even meaner than mean-to-Amy-Adams.

2) Anyone else see the picture of the woman in sunglasses and lots of patriotic garb and wonder what the hell Madonna was wearing?

I would have loved to have seen a salad with 1 quartered garbanzo bean, and 6 whole beets in it.

There is nothing to say except holy moly that is one cute baby. For reals.

Placebo makes my ultimate wallowing list, too! And Running Up That Hill is my number one favourite Placebo song! For wallowing, though, I’d definitely go for Without You I’m Nothing feat. David Bowie. Every time I hear that song I feel like my heart is being ripped out through my stomach.

That’s a +1 for This Mortal Coil alone.

Srsly, portishead is a must as well. Or it might be a “drinking cheap whiskey in a dive bar with 4 other desolate patrons while the seen-it-all bartender wipes the counter at 3:40 am” playlist song.

This Mortal Coil - Siren. Maximum ugly sobbing.

I like your list much better. Probably because I actually know most of these bands.