I don’t get the hatred towards Ed Sheeran. Fine, if you don’t like his music, but at least he writes and performs his own music and he’s not obnoxious like some artists I could mention. Let him trundle along in his qentle gingerness.
I don’t get the hatred towards Ed Sheeran. Fine, if you don’t like his music, but at least he writes and performs his own music and he’s not obnoxious like some artists I could mention. Let him trundle along in his qentle gingerness.
It actually made me like him a smidge.
Where white people meet? Isn’t that just church, Walmart and the gun range?
Hey Editorial, can we edit that “freelance” part out of her bio and get her a job around these parts?
But can she do it on a trapeze?
But he can step off making fun of Ina Garten. That woman is a damned good cook, and her recipes always work. You know if you’re using something she wrote, it has been tested to within an inch of its life and the results are reproducible. Sure, she’s privileged, but she owns it and she is good at what she does.
I could never have a threesome with another woman for the same reason. My fantasies tell me that a threesome with two men would be kind of hot. Unfortunately, my brain tells me that in the moment I’d probably feel a little bit threatened and might freak out.
i have zero interest in a threesome. i don’t think i can split my focus. i’d be panicking all the time like, “ok ok ok ok ok who is NOT getting pleasured rn?”
I hope to everything that this is true. And also like, I mean, I know it’s not possible to “steal” someone from another person, but if anyone could do it, it’s her.
I want them to work and would be surprised if they did split. They’ve got a million kids and seem like they have enough crazy in them to keep it interesting without getting too dramatic.
The whole “no matchy-matchy” is irritating. Why not match if you want. I resent the tyranny of both mandatory matching and not matching. Foolish consistency vs. foolish inconsistency.
That Taylor Swift performance is really good. She needs a whole record of just acoustic songs, it would suit her voice really well.
People have been supreme turds about Kim’s distaste for pregnancy. I honestly think is great that she’s talking about it. Women routinely feel like they suck at womanhood when they don’t think being pregnant is the greatest shit ever. So yeah, way to be honest, Kim!
I found out last week that I am pregnant after my partner and I spent close to a year trying to conceive. I am overjoyed, elated, excited yada yada, but TBH I already hate being pregnant. I’m hoping much of this will pass once I get to the second trimester, but I feel terrible 100% of the time.
The aversion many people have to cilantro is because when we eat it, it tastes like soap and is pervasive. Specifically it is a reaction to certain aldehydes present in the cilantro which interact with particular olfactory receptor genes in a way that makes it taste gross. Does not apply to coriander (seeds), just the…
Thank you, RuPaul. Sincerely.
As a 6 foot tall woman, this is something that has been painfully obvious to me all of my life [after hitting the ~70” mark].
I drink black coffee mostly for the caffeine, but the taste does complement certain meals nicely, like a hot breakfast or cake for dessert.
Grape jelly on pizza? That is gross. And I say that as one of those philistines who actually LIKES pineapple on his pizza.