
I get irrationally angry at the people on this show. Probably because they all end up with such ugly dresses.

Only clicked thread because the 80/90s WERE FUCKING AWESOME AND SO WAS THE MUSIC.

I agree with you...Sherman's work is deeper. This seems like a very shallow, but modern copy cat of her. I don't feel like it's engaging at all, I feel like it's very flat, and such a simple art-school idea that anyone could and has done over and over again. If I'm going to like a copy cat, I'll take Mariko Mori, who

I like the idea, but her poses are so unnatural, as if she's almost winking at the camera. I hate to compare her to Cindy Sherman, because their mission is so different, but I prefer the way Cindy loses herself in her work.

Should I list Idris Elba as Luther on the weirdest turn-on thread? So many people agree that he's hot, but him playing Luther really gets me going. Tragic cop figure with emotional issues who has a weird relationship with a genius sociopath that's rife with sexual tension - weird enough?

Oh no! He's a white boy with the resources to attend expensive engineering schools. There's a 100% chance he has a bright future ahead of him and we wouldn't a little thing like dealing drugs and armed robbery to stop him from succeeding in life!

Brangelina are on another level to Kimye. They're old school glamour and Hollywood and the sort of couple you can actually admire and look up to. As to Kimye I'm still uncertain what their purpose even is, and at best they're a reflection of some serious vanity issues in our society.

You win, hands down. Congratulations on your baby, despite the stretching uterus! I shall dedicate my next glass of red wine as well as my next Hershey's bar to you!

I was curious to know what the definition of this supposed Kardashian effect was, so I clicked the link. I thought it would just be something simple about over-exposure, but apparently, this is it:

" Beyonce is likely the finest living performer we have right now and she proved that again tonight."

You're wrong. Affect is used as a noun here, and doesn't fit.

A very dear friend was ditched by her husband after a few years of marriage when he decided to come out of the closet. She says that nothing has made her more sure that gay rights and gay marriage (or, as I like to call them, rights and marriage) are the way to go. Because if he'd had the right to live openly and

1. You denigrate The Boss for a cheap shot at Canada.

Just wanted to stop by and drop some large Kimye.

I don't believe in God, but occasionally I fantasize about the surprise people like these churchgoers would be in for after they die, and find out God doesn't approve of crap like this. Would like to be the fly on the wall.

A chanteuse is a female singer. Am I missing a joke here?

I'm not one to leap to Kim's defense, but I have not had any cosmetic procedures, yet my ass has been growing steadily for the past few years as well. It's all about the fat injections. Which I take orally, in the form of nice French cheeses. That way it doesn't show on the x rays. :)

Bread is the best food ever created by humans and I refuse to give it up.