
I have, still in year twelve. Also worth reading, Stendhal’s Le rouge et le noir, Madame Bovary by Flaubert and Crime and Punishment by Dostoievsky. Not so worth it, as it’s kinda confusing, The brothers Karamazov. As you can see by my reading material, I was a VERY serious seventeen year old.

Laundry would be easier if we had a dryer, which we don’t because I live in a tiny house and have no room for it. So all the baby clothes have to be washed, put outside to dry and then ironed thougrouly, it takes time. Between his clothes and my husbands’ uniforms there’s always laundry to deal with. Right now I’m on

Mere public school teacher, even lower than civil servant sounds.

I’ve read it in year twelve because I wanted to read the classics before going to college (I majored in languages and literature). It may be a masterpiece in Russian, I don’t know, but the Portuguese translation was confusing and mind numbing. It was so boring, in fact, I’ve blanked out the memory and can’t tell you

It’s a brand of fridges with retro design in cute colors. I lust for one but they are too expensive for my civil servant salary.

I eye my bed the same way. In my mind I lie down and sleep with no guilt for days while my husband takes care of the baby .

It looks like it. A few loads of lawndry and ironing should take care of that boredom really quickly.

Yeah, between laundry, ironing, taking care of the baby and the house I don’t have a minute to spare. Not to mention the huge responsibility I feel towards the kid regarding his feedings, health and development. I DO NOT feel bored. Tired, overwhelmed and occasionally elated?Yes. Bored, never.

And I’m pretty sure his wife doesn’t understand him either...

That’s why my infant son has a lot of picture and I have none. I was tired and couldn’t care less what I looked like. Not every single instance of your existance have to be imortalised on film, you know? My memory is enough thank you very much.

I can think of about a dozen pasta dishes , some with rice, salads and fish or grilled meat that take me less than thirty minutes to put on the table. A few caveats, though: I’ve been cooking since I was eight, I know where everything in my kitchen is and not all of them are super healthy. Plus, I don’t get the rush.

A Civil campaign is what does it for me, the twins are awesome.

That’s wonderful. It disapoints me she’s not more talked about here on Jezebel, she’s pretty badass

Pink rules and I’m always perplexed and disappointed she’s not a bigger star than she is. Also, a better role model than Beyonce, Nicki, Taylor or Katy Perry, IMO at least.

Just make the appointment and go, says a master procrastinator. Internet hugs and be well.

Please don’t procrastinate when it comes to your health. As hard as it may be, deal with it. Because the longer you put it off, the more the situation evolves unchecked. Never a good thing when it comes to your health.

Symmetry is usually pleasing to the eye. But our perception of beauty is symmetry plus culture plus emotion... results may vary.

If only the concept of beauty was universal... It is a social construct that’s deppendant on culture, society and has greatly changed over time. It is also a matter of personal taste, what’s ugly to you may not be to another person. So yes, even things that are ugly to someone can be beautiful to others. I’m betting

Women in sports can’t win, either they doll themselves up, and, let’s be honest, are not very good at their chosen sport, or are called masculine or big. Muscular bodies are just as beautiful on men as they are on women people. And big bodies are beautiful too, people.

Radiohead? That would be EPIC. (I’ll just sit here, fangirling all over these news)