
"I…uh, I think I'd like to go live with Mom now."

Got a bunch of digital stuff on sale. Finally read the last half of X-Men Legacy: Legion. Excellent story, art and resolution. Same for Thor: God of Thunder. I need to get around to seeing how all this Roxxon stuff shakes out with the new Thor. As a former Okie, seeing an energy corporation be allowed to legally move

Monster Hunter World looked so strange to me. My first reaction was "this isn't Monster Hunter!" before realizing that's because they've been using the same engine for over a decade. It's about time they update it.

Upvoted from a fellow Sunshine lover. It might've been a bit gimmicky, but it was a ton of fun and felt like more of a toybox than Galaxy did. Which is probably the same reason I like 3D World so much.

Ugh that second guy sounds like a pill. Here, hold my emotional baggage while we fuck because my boyfriend and I had a falling out. Seems counter intuitive to hook up with someone and use them to deal with your issues. That's practically a relationship.

I'm still trying to unclench and figure out what that piece of farm machinery was.

How's their environmental record? I imagine crows to be very group-oriented and conscientiousness animals.

Yeah and I bet they patted their pockets with a sheepish grin when the bartender tallied up the bill so you had to pay. Likely because other animals don't use legal tender and have no pockets.

Yeah crafting I can't stand, but gathering isn't too bad after about lvl30 then slows down around lvl55. I mostly did it for the treasure maps and the sweet, sweet gil.

Ugh I've been grinding out tomestones and leveling my botanist all week trying to get ready. I need to take a break or I'll burn out once the expansion hits.

For a hot second, I misunderstood which type of "race" you were referring to and tried to understand the concept of racism of the fictitious sort.

Protip: Don't make friends with wild animals. They don't have boundaries and a crow is likely smarter than 90% of the human populace. You'd be outmatched and sign away all legal and property rights before you knew what was going on.

Yes, as ursine bears are strictly missionary position. And I thought it was a dog costume?

Is "Netflix mini-series" the new "two-part episode of L&O:SVU" of the criminal world? I'm so behind the times.

Well Kubrick's The Shining did certainly highlight a gay couple in one scene.

These people are idiots. The xenomorphs would obviously add a thin elastic band to each hat they own and place it about the circumference of their head. Sure, it seems childish, but who are you to argue with an angry penis monster?

That's unfortunate. Scrabble requires at least two players so you know there's more than one in the walls. They'll likely bond over it and you better hope they are gay or you're gonna have babies.

"Wait, who was flicking Drax's sensitive nipples during sex?" asks the heterosexual, homosexual, furry and botanical members of the audience.

I don't want it. So the question is now: "How can millions of people be so wrong?"

It'd be a lot gayer, that's for sure.