
I just got that poster in the mail the other day! If you manage to find a frame to fit the weird-ass dimensions, let me know!

I got stuck at the (SPOILER?) crystal giraffes on the last area and never went back. I'm waiting for Lightning Returns to hit PC before I put up with all that fal'Cie/paradox crap again.

Boxman is the first thing I thought of when I saw the header image! And I was that nerd. I always had my data transfer cable to get some sweet, sweet distractions from other students.

April truly is the cruelest month.

Transistor probably takes the cake in terms of blending art and style that enhances the game way beyond the gameplay itself. Makes for some great wallpapers too!

I have been and will continue to hunt some funky monsters in MH4U this weekend. I've gotten all but the G-rank equivalent 10-star caravan quests done. Stuff become much easier after I grabbed a custom set and kicked enough Seregios butt to get his hammer. I even took on the Crimson Fatalis and found him stupid easy to

As detestable as their songs and fashion choices may be, LMFAO (I fucking hate that) gets a single pass from me thanks to this scene in American Dad!:

I've always been partial to Bayonetta's hair suite. It's also probably the most realistic for my body type.

I'm happy to find another gay guy getting his MPH in epid. It wasn't until I started that I realized there are ALOT of gay guys in public health programs, at least at my school.

It's probably the one game I'm itching the most to replay when I have time. I'm not exactly why I like it so much, it just had the right combination of gunning and terror to keep me interested.

I did not know that was Parker Posey and that fact is wonderful. And I always try, but it never comes out very well.

Yeah I feel like the expedition part is really not explained at all in the game. I've had to go to r/MonsterHunter and google search to find info about them. It's a cool system, but so damn confusing. I've been kind of ignoring until I get further in high rank. I think you only get to fight the Kirin as a story unlock

I'll be focusing this weekend, like every weekend for the rest of my life I'm sure, on Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. I managed to give/ receive a massive beat-down on the golden pinwheel that was Shagaru Magala and then promptly got destroyed by a giant crab. So now I'm focusing on raising my HR in the gathering hall and

I'm glad someone else found DS 2 more enjoyable than DS (or the misfire that was DS3). It's strange to me that one of the reasons I enjoy the second one so much is getting to revisit the Ishimura. It's so much creepier and haunting to see these hallways as being somehow more empty than the first time around.

Thanks to "The Deep South" every time someone talks to me about Atlanta I have to throw in "Atlanta is more than just a Delta hub!" and every time I get a weird look. It's just to perfect of a line not to slightly mangle and throw into a conversation.

What's been your favorite hunt so far? For me that Kecha Wacha has been the most fun because it really gets you to think about the verticality of the fights. Plus his Son Goku inspired armor looks pretty cool even if it's only good as a water element set.

If you want to play online sometime you can add me: 3153-3752-6499

Added! You can add me too: 3153-3752-6499.

They have added a lot of features and polish to really set it apart from the other games in the series. It also helps that each weapon type is unique enough it's like a whole new game when you have to relearn how to approach monsters and what items and armor you need. I haven't played online much but I've heard it's
