
Wow, I would’ve expected Bisciotti to be the dunkee.

....she doesn’t want to ruin her credibility with Republicans, whose support she will need... she desperately wants to lower expectations of what she can achieve in an administration where she views herself as one person on a large team

“We have a zelda, albeit multiplatform and the worst zelda ever and barely passable as a generic game...”

Wait...isn’t this what we want? I mean, when cops kill a guy, don’t we want the chief to want people fired? The chief can’t arrest people, the DA does that. It seems like this is a move forward. It’s small, but it’s a hell of a lot better than what we’ve had happen in the recent past.

Somedays I wish that video games weren’t so outlandish. For example, why can’t Bioshock be real. Why can’t we have an asshole with to much time and to much money be able to build an underwater city where all these assholes who hate the government and hate everyone not like them can live in their own little underwater

Metroid Prime 4: Tropical Freeze 2 ft. Samus Kong

I want to know what unholy deal Stephen A made with Satan that gets him on TV but leaves him always at a table with someone even shittier than he is.

They are selling you a Hard Mode and a map tracker! You really going to sit there and say that’s normal? I wonder what line needs to be crossed in order for you to complain about something in a game?

President Obama has the right to make as much money as he wants, but I reserve the right to point out that this payment is exactly what’s wrong with politics - and another example of how corrupt the entire system is. If we are gonna give him a pass because he’s black, then we are in deep trouble - this is black

Capitalism really does a number on some people.

Or babbling like someone who just suffered a concussion you COLOSSAL FUCKING TOOL.

Describing Andrew Napolitano as a “very talented legal mind” is like calling Trent Dilfer a “Hall of Fame caliber quarterback.”

Like the guy who can’t spell “tap” is going to tweet about Kaepernick.

3.2. Three teams plus the Jets.

It’s badass from what I’ve played. You’re more Star Trek than Star Wars in this game which is what I think they wanted. I can tell that this game is going to be deep.

Well ME1 had the best complete story of the trilogy, so it’s a pretty high bar. So far it just feels like a solid space opera with good characters. That is all Mass Effect has to be as far as I’m concerned. I am fairly certain most of the people trashing the game either don’t blame Mass Effect, haven’t played it, or

So far I think the writing is as solid as ever for the series. Too early to tell for sure but so far I dig the new cast. The setup is cool and the new bad guy seems interesting. It’s classic mass effect and if you’re a fan like me I’m sure you’ll love it.

FYI, sharia law now involves scantily clad women, men bending over in front of other men, alcohol, and touching a pig skin.

Wow, I thought you were a smug asshole. You proved me wrong. You’re actually a smug asshole who has access to $50.

I’d tell you what I’d be moving up from the store brand mustard.