
Eck, wow, yeah, not a good response to say the least. “Early reports not looking good. God bless all!” looks like something somebody would type after sharing there’s going to be a snowstorm this weekend, not about a school shooting

Tbh I like the secrecy. There’s a lot of fun in big reveals, which is why E3 is exciting. Pretty much every year something mind blowing is revealed at E3 that if you knew from the get go and read in some article it wouldn’t be as exciting. It doesn’t really substantially impact my expectations of the game or anything

My opinions based off of absolutely no insider knowledge of the industry and/or economics so they could be stupid:

Gotta say I get a kick out of a rapper challenging a boxer to read a page out of a Harry Potter book

Generally speaking I agree, Rockstar’s games have typically never really done it for me. RDR1 though, I thought was great, gameplay was good imo. Haven’t played GTA5 so can’t speak on that.

what do you got against soup sandwiches

Rayman Legends is a great game, one of the best non-Mario platformers I can remember. Definitely the headliner of the bunch to me, but I own it on PC. I’ll download Beyond Two Souls but it’ll be relegated toward the lower part of my backlog.

Well if he goes to Miami without major changes to that roster he doesn’t need to explain anything because even adding Lebron I don’t see them as a whole lot better than the Cavs. Wade is 287 years old and has had like 4 good games this year, Dragic isn’t that great at all, Whiteside has played a total of like 25

The only thing all that surprising about this is Lebron had a lackluster performance. But really, Cavs’ defense sucks and if they’re not hitting their 3s their pretty vulnerable because outside of Lebron they’re not exactly loaded with dynamic offensive talent. They shot 23.5% from 3 today, not a surprise they lost.

For me I’ve only ever bought a few games full price (off the top of my head I can only think of Breath of the Wild, Skyward Sword, Bioshock Infinite, Fallout 4, and Dark Souls 2), and while I didn’t feel “obligated” to play the games, I played them right away because I pre-ordered all of them because I was really

How is it a con job if it’s up front and the fans agree with what’s going on? The idea of a con is that somebody gets deceived.

If you actually think Philly fans/Sixers are in “roughly the same place as 2012" I don’t know what to tell you

I hate Tucker Carlson but I’d take my chances with him over Bolton because there’s at least the chance Carlson doesn’t jack off to the thought of declaring war

AFAIK the vast majority of supplements and vitamins don’t really do squat for you. The best thing you can do is just exercise and eat healthy (fruit/veggies/meat and fish that is not fast food/protein from things like nuts and seeds), there’s no real easy way.

Man, can’t believe BotW is already a year old. Tempting to replay it...but for now I’m playing Pillars of Eternity, started it last Sunday. It’s great so far. Lore is incredibly dense and you’ll need to do a lot of reading/studying your journal to figure out what’s going on, but it’s very good. Great writing, a

“Maybe I haven’t watched enough Sixers games other than the times they’ve played the Knicks and last night’s game, but I just dont get the feeling that they are “that close to being elite”.”

A starting lineup of Embiid/Saric/James/Covington/Simmons absolutely has a chance to knock of the Warriors. Sixers are an elite defensive team already, replace Redick in the starting lineup w/Lebron and they can smother anybody. Add in additional growth from Embiid/Saric/Simmons on the offensive end and the team has

I don’t care how they bill themselves, most of espn’s content revolves around a panel of paid morons yelling hot takes at each other. It’s an entertainment network.

Honestly who cares. I clicked on this thinking it’d be a good bit more worrisome.

I really hope this and Skywind get completed...some day...Oblivion I think is my favorite Elder Scrolls. Great middle ground between the improved gameplay of Skyrim and the deeper rpg experience and quest design of Morrowind. Plus between its art style, sound track, and unintentional comedy of its voice acting and