Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen

Oh, thank you so much, Xaa - this gives me strength to continue writing this 4th novel of mine that stares me from my screen right now…!

To be honest, I don't like Buffy. No no. I love it. (For some reason there was this Buffy-like character in my dream last night - she had been bitten so she couldn't be trusted anymore but she did her best. I have been watching a lot of How I Met Your Mother lately, and Willow is in it, so…)

Yeah, Coilette, when I was writing that book it was fascinating enough for me to finish it although I actually hate writing (as all real writers do), so I guess it isn't utter waste of time, but to be honest, I have never been able to read my own stuff. It would be weird, like chicken eating its own eggs or something.

By the way, black metal is more a Norwegian thing than a Finnish. Finns prefer for example doom, folk and gothic metal…

1) I don't like black metal or cold weather. But it's been a dream of mine to kiss a pretty girl under the northern lights. Should I visit Finland?