
Spencer 's haircut at the reunion was disastrous. Dude, you look like a teenage pineapple.

But it's sooo good ! Plus you eat some blood anytime you eat meat anyway. I don't see why people are being squeamish about it.

Let's not get crazy and start to expect anything resembling realism from Hannibal. I mean, that one guy from season one carved his own back and suspended himself, his "wings" extended, at least fifteen meter from the ground, all by himself.

I think Kass is fascinating. Sometimes i want to root for her because she makes the game way more entertaining, and then she goes out of her way to do something unpleasant, like flipping the bird at Trish.

is that anything like french"boudin' ? Because if so, it must be good.

Yeah THAT i think it's important to remember that as unpleasant as Mason is, without Hannibal's intervention, Margot would still be fully equipped down there. The guy is not someone you want in your social circle, AT ALL.

They started to do that on a weekly basis, last week, the final shot was a composite of Will and Hannibal

I got those vibes, but at the same time, i think it will start to feel cheap if too many main characters are faking their death left and right. "Oh, you were faking it ? I was faking it too !". Between Myriam, Chilton and Freddie it's plenty of fake deaths already.

Well, if he wasn't expecting anything like this, and didn't wish for such a thing to happen to Margot, i dare to say that Hannibal has been underestimating and misreading Mason. And that it was careless and kinda stupid of him.

I think that's when you start being wrong. Authors (who sells) do go on talk shows.

I loved that rendition

I see the point your are trying to make, that fantasy as a genre has been scorned for too long, but with all due respect your are fifteen years too late: the genre has been fully redeemed by Peter Jackson and Joan Kathleen Rowling.

crossing my finger for Tony x Kass

Yeah, old white dudes, so hard for them to make it in America

So, what's the point of this article ?