Compared to FFXI, FFXIV’s combat is like Devil May Cry in terms of speed. It’s still not quite as fast as plenty of other MMO’s though.
Compared to FFXI, FFXIV’s combat is like Devil May Cry in terms of speed. It’s still not quite as fast as plenty of other MMO’s though.
As far as I can tell, this is caused by it having such a long global cooldown. WoW has 1.5 seconds between actions, and haste stats can bring that down to 1 second. FFXIV’s 2.5 second global cooldown feels far more relaxed in comparison, like I actually have enough time to consider what button to press next rather…
It certainly is! As somebody coming from FFXI, the combat of FFXIV to me is beyond lightning fast.
That is pretty much the conclusion I’ve come to, hence my lementing that I wish I liked it more. Every bit of promotional art is outstanding, but I remember what kind of game it is and I just can’t enjoy it. FFXIV knows what kind of game it wants to be and leans into it. I wish I liked it more.
I’m still salty that all my fucking friends decided to roll up on Balmung before Heavensward. “Oh, we want to be on a server with lots of activity.” Well I wanna be able to play.
I firmly believe this to be accurate.
I met Billy Mitchell a couple of years back in Chicago at the 35th birthday celebration for Pac-Man. A special arcade unit showcasing just before the infamous 257 glitch was on display. He took a few minutes, like anyone who walked up, to watch me play, even complimented me, and then showed me how to clear the glitch.…
He’s probably one of those “Cardio counts as legs” people.
It’s a measure of how poor American fitness is that anyone would consider that unnervingly muscular. That is a 30 minute cardio, 20 minute upper body, 10 minute abs body. A man’s got to know his limitations, I guess.
Agreed with all your points except last. I say and have heard both feeding and trickling, but they’re different things. Feeding is intentionally getting yourself killed to the detriment of your team. Trickling is doing it unintentionally. Usually trickling happens when spawns don’t mesh and people holding up to…
Yup, all this. (Also, I thought the phrase “nanoboosted by Ana’s ultimate” wsa a bit repetitive — her ultimate *is* nanoboost.) Although I’ve seen “trickling” be used much more commonly in Overwatch contexts than “feeding”, so I don’t think it’s unfair to make that the primary term here.
I totally get that! I was the same way for a while. And, as I mentioned, unless you’re training up for something and looking to push yourself, it’s mostly a matter of preference. For now, the science is stacked in favor of fueling up first, but I say go with whatever gets you up and doing it. No matter what, some…
Steve Bannon looks like every description of Wilbur Whately from HP Lovecrafts “The Dunwich Horror.”
Great, but what if I don’t eat the chicken skin, and I only use boneless skinless breasts? Is there some magic solution for people like me?
Control Center has the flags too close, and like no one uses at least half the map (the main room where the control point usually is and the outside walkway). A single charge from Rein or boots from D.Va gets you most of the way between the two flag points. Pair that with a Lucio and a good DPS to help take out…
Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.