That said:
That said:
TBH, XQC has a long history of being toxic, and this particular kind of behavior is gross and a waste of moderator time (see video, this kind of reporting is why he was banned). As a well-known streamer and an OWL player, pulling this shit live on stream he should absolutely face repercussions.
TBH, this whole situation is kind of Blizzard’s fault. This is the company that runs WoW, they know how toxic gaming can get, and yet they launched a game without any of the tools required to establish a healthy culture where toxicity is punished, standards are enforced, and positive interactions with other players…
Eichenwalde had very real balance problems on launch, though. After it came out to a slew of complaints, Blizzard looked at the data and said “you guys are right, this map is broke!” They actually ended up making several changes. In multiple patches over the course of several months to try and balance the map. The…
Saying that this is “ripping off” anything is the anime version of embracing Alex Jones’ gay frogs conspiracy theory.
I haven’t even done my placements for Season 5. I played competitive for all four previous seasons. I thought Season 4 seemed more toxic than anything previous, but when Season 5 started and the salt volcanoes started erupting left and right I decided to just stick to quick play and arcades where things are still fun.
I have played a fair amount of Quake Champions in the beta, and the netcode sucks and provides an absurd edge to players with high ping. Every match people with 200-300ms ping completely dominated over everyone else. Like, in every match there’s that one guy with 250 ping with 0 deaths and a solid 15 frags more than…
Is it weird that after learning your character’s name the first thing I did was wonder, “I wonder if Fahey is on my server, and if he needs a Free Company...”?
I went and looked you up on the Lodestone, and alas, we are on different servers and you are already in a big FC. Strike out, I suppose x_x
An update from HamNo on the state of yogurt is exactly what I needed today.
For Riley’s sake I hope that they toned down the jumping “puzzles” in TSW Legends. :-3
I loved TSW and am looking forward to linking my account and hopping into TSW Legends.
I just need to finish up FFXIV Stormblood, which Funcom decided to compete with, given their launch timing. This choice seems kind of like how they released TSW to directly compete with Guild Wars 2, a far more typical MMO and part…
It is the 2.5 second global cooldown, the long cast times, the long animations with few you can cancel, and the (generally, but not always) very long telegraphs. There is no active dodging in the game either, which is part of why there are such long telegraphs, but it makes everything move much more slowly. Even with…
As an MMO player, I find FFXIV has pretty much the slowest gameplay I have experienced in the genre! It’s all a matter of perspective, I suppose!
It really sounds like your complaints are mostly to do with the genre and type of game that FFXIV is. It is an MMO with an (admittedly quite slow) MMO combat system that doesn’t reinvent or innovate, but is extremely tight and functional. It is also a JRPG, and in typical JRPG fashion it has endless fetch quests and…
You just don’t get it do you? Who do you think runs Congress? Two words: Big Pharma.
It might look like a DDoS, but it’s just everybody on Balmung trying to log in at once for all eternity.