IS THAT A PRO GENJI!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
IS THAT A PRO GENJI!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
The only “hangover cure” I have ever believed is one I have heard twice, but never have tried, and that is a saline IV drip.
My old boss was in the Coast Guard in the early 90s. He often said that while in the Coast Guard Academy, if you partied too hard you’d hit the infirmary before PT in the morning, get an IV drip,…
It is beautiful, challenging, super fun, and the music is wonderful!
I always love looking at art in video games! I am so glad that you did this piece - game art is almost universally wacky and it is fun to see a bunch of it all in one place, and to get hot art-world takes from Curtis.
Don’t forget 3 days of DDOS-ing Blizzard’s ISP ‘as retaliation,’ just like after each and every time they do a ban-wave on cheaters.
That was the best part! The forum rules on the official Overwatch forums also prohibit discussing threads/post that were removed for violating the forum rules, so all the people who had homophobic posts banned and then complained about “TEH CENSORSHIPS” in new threads had THOSE posts banned and got a second strike on…
According to Michael Chu (Overwatch Senior Designer for Lore & Story) at Blizzcon (at a Q&A when asked about an LGBT hero in Overwatch), this is something they would have decided early on when creating her as a character. That it is only being revealed now sounds like it is more about the fact that none of the queer…
I also noticed that Blizz moderators on the Overwatch Forum did a good job closing toxic homophobic threads and banning people/removing posts that violated forum rules (i.e. hate speech) last night while the gamebros imploded left and right. Color me impressed with that.
I (still) don’t have a Blu-Ray player, so I wanted to mention that Cowboy Bebop Complete Series DVD Set is also available on this deal and is only $16.
I (still) don’t have a Blu-Ray player, so I wanted to mention that Cowboy Bebop Complete Series DVD Set is also…
So, when is Fahey going to eat this for Snacktaku? You guys are sending him to Japan for this, right?!
Blizzard explicitly confirmed multiple LGBT heroes in Overwatch at Blizzcon. From Michael Chu:
The maps room, you say?
This game looks painfully cute.
The fake news angle doesn’t suit Jezebel, even if it is the current trend. Please fix this mess.
Clinton won Colorado.
The motion in question was for an injunction to allow electors to vote against the popular vote despite a state law requiring it.
If it moved forward, it would credibly undermine the legality of similar…
Exception or not, IT HAPPENED TO ME! And I’m a generally pretty healthy, if only just getting into fitness, 29 year old woman.
I would certainly not discourage anyone from exercising at all if all they could do is situps and they started there, but if someone told me that was all they could do I would suggest they try twists instead and show them how. You can do twists anywhere you can do situps, and they are safer and more effective, and…
but for many people — most people — sit-ups and crunches are easy to do anywhere and easy to understand.
They would also likely have developed pretty severe hip rotation and some lower back problems. Situps and crunches are bad exercises because the risk/reward ratio is worse than virtually any other exercise targeting the same muscle groups. Doing them correctly can improve your fitness, but the risk you incur from them…
The problem with situps is actually that anatomically speaking your abs are not the muscles that control flexion. Once you get about halfway up, your abs are not capable of continuing the flexion motion because they are already fully engaged, and no matter how much squeeze you provide, your hip flexors take over for…
Situps and crunches are bad exercises. They minimally engage your abdominal muscles, and mostly activate hip flexors, which puts a lot of tension on your lower back when you are laying down and can cause injury. My trainer advised that it is in most people’s best interest to never do situps or crunches again and to…