

No comment on how Harry’s Apple Watch just confirmed that the Earth-1 Caitlin Snow is not a meta?

Possibly true! But here in FL (aka America’s big ole dick) sub-minimum is totes legal, and have to imagine that it is in other states as well.

Yes they are sub-minimum, in most cases though they do tend to do slightly better at being paid from the store because it’s usually sub-minimum + plus a small fee for delivery in order to make sure mileage is covered on their vehicle. The delivery fee that a lot of places tack on is usually higher than mileage and

I am just going to go with Shia LaBeouf.

Pizza delivery guy is my goddamn hero.

Dirtier floors!? 0_o

When I hear stories like this I have to wonder what sort of rock the owner lives under. Have they never watched the news, read a paper, accessed the ole intarwebs? How does someone honestly believe they can get away with this?

I’m gonna confirm Giovanni McFarlane Fitzpatrick’s post as a fellow Tampon, since there are actually 2 places in Ybor that do the $2 Martini (owned by the same company). Food is actually hella good in both places. But it is FL, and we do need to drink heavily to survive this place

The truly outrageous thing is that you know that producers will look at this as a failure of a “female driven” movie or some such nonsense. Not that the movie was a shitstorm of a failure in relation to the source material.

I have stories of my pizza delivery days that I should probably submit to BCO. I managed to talk my boss into letting me be a driver because the money was good, even though generally unofficial his policy was only to hire drivers over 18. I was a 16 year old girl and we were in a fairly decent neighborhood so bent his

Beholders freak me the fuck out. One year True Dungeon at GenCon constructed a full sized beholder as their final boss and it took all my will power not to run through the walls of the final room like the Kool Aid man screaming NOOOOOOOOPE!

Richard Cohen is basically a walking turd so there really was no way around it.

The only time I would default “Chips and Dip” to Chips and Salsa would be at a Mexican restaurant, and even then you could possibly mean Chips and Queso or Chips and Guac so it really should be clarified.

I think your list of ranked pizza toppings needs fucking addendum after this batshittery.

1. Grape Jelly on with grape jelly...jelly that is grape, put on top of of a pizza...I NEED TO FIND A WAY TO COMPREHEND THIS BEFORE I GO MAD AND DIE!!

I think in your case it’s just the effectiveness of marketing. I think that for a lot of people “Coke” means “bring me that delicious brown fizzy drink that rots my teeth and is likely giving me cancer cuz FUCK WATER!”.

I want Cara Sloane’s server to be my patronus.

And this is why servers loose it and attack people with hammers. Not that it’s right, not that they should...but what the actual fuck is wrong with people?