The most B of syrups, the B- of syrups...if that was a real thing.
The most B of syrups, the B- of syrups...if that was a real thing.
Food history fun!
A-frickin-men on the syrup.
By Grabthar’s Hammer, what a savings.
No, it’s “Southern Comfort Food” and if you’re looking for booze in your drink options you will be sorely disappointed. Soft drinks only.
Yay that you found a new home!
Not related to this story, but what the actual fuck? Does this mean no more BCO????
Fair enough!
I have seen it. It was not psychological either. We only found out about the cross contamination after the reaction had already taken place.
We have no idea what kind of toaster they have. If they have a conveyor belt toaster or a toaster oven, crumbs could easily stick. Even in a regular toaster you can’t be 100% sure that there won’t be residue anywhere.
Even trace amounts of gluten can be bad for someone with Celiac’s. It’s effectively an allergy for many people. Crumbs from regular bread sticking to gluten free bread is enough to set it off for my friend.
I know my friend is extremely sensitive. He got so excited when gluten free became “a thing” because he thought he be able to go out to regular restaurants with friends and be able to order off the GF menus and then learned he still needs to be vigilant. Chains are actually better than mom & pops.
Yes, it’s wheat protein and particularly easy to cross contaminate with in a cooking scenario, and it hides in unexpected places (like soy sauce). Crumbs from a toaster count as cross contamination.
I’m so nervous that I done fucked up ::weeps::
I’m calling some some sort of sexual fetish on the chicken wing throwing thing.
This seems wretched...much like Ayn Rand.
I love your words, let’s be friends.
Perfect gif is perfect.
While cool in theory, it unfortunately falls prey to the fridge logic moment of “Wait, if Henry Allen-2 is Zoom, why go through the elaborate plan? He could have literally unmasked, walked up to Barry (since his real dad is a dick who left for no real reason), said ‘Give us a hug, son’ and the whole thing would have…