Party Like it's io99

In the last panel Data looks like “Dumbass, do you not see the Hyper Advanced Future Cube? You’re the primitive peoples here.”


wanted the job more as a hobby

Think like Snyder for second. He made Sucker Punch. He said Batman “could get prison raped” in one of his movies. Deathstroke? Zack totally wants Slade for the “he slept with an underaged girl” angle.

When they dream, Clark’s dad is played by Glen Ford. ;)

The real reason for cancellation: Kirkman ran out of sitcoms.

Here’s your word of the day: Peristalsis.

BvS Pa was a hallucination. The real MoS Pa would have had horse steaks with his hero cake!

He wore the black/silver outfit in Man of Steel. They even did an action figure of it.

Now playing

It was grenades not guns, but they had something like that in the last Thor movie.

After Batman shoots up a minivan filled with disabled children (that then is forced into the river by the Batmobile, drowning them all)

The dead never rose. Future? Doomed.

If you can’t display your posters you should look into art portfolios. I bought a 24" x 36" one with clear page inserts years ago so I could look at my posters without having to deal with rolling/unrolling.

The crawl is a Star Wars trope that’s already transcended the core Saga films in other media such as comics and video games. Since it’s not unique to those films, but is to Star Wars properties, I’d rather they keep it.

This is the one that got me hooked.

Now that we’re pretty sure Jon Snow is a Targaryen, is he “a dragon”/can he command them? In season one, we see him burn his hand protecting the Lord Commander from the undead. Dany said dragons do not burn after her brother was burned to death. So I say no, but is there any other evidence that Jon might?

Aside from every other thing that Hollywood perpetually gets wrong about accents, the culture, etc., there’s True Detective - Nobody in Louisiana drinks fucking Lone Star Beer.

She’s this hardcore gangster, and she just totally destroyed him as a person.

You are confusing trademark and copyright. You have to defend a trademark in order to maintain it. Defending a copyright is at your discretion, and isn’t invalidated if you don’t defend.

Anecdotal confirmation: I don’t like roller coasters; but I actually enjoyed Space Mountain which is mostly pitch black dark.