
I’m just glad I’ve got mine all set up, hacked, and ready to rock ‘n’ roll. Nintendo and the scalpers all can go fuck right off.

Why do you hate fun?

I’m not a Twitch streamer, but can you sign up for the free membership, download the game, stream it so Stoic gets their cut, and then keep it to play offline afterwards? Because hey, two good games for free sounds pretty nice.

Dangerous drivers pulling out in front of you and cutting you off in a major metropolitan city? That isn’t an AI glitch. That’s just GTA 5 doing something slightly closer to real life.

Cool to see Snorlax and the lion Pokemon thing still competitive. I haven’t played Pokemon since I was 13, and the original 150 are still representing. Hell yeah. Snorlax is my spirit animal.

Fuck Gamestop. Bunch of fucking cunts they are. When I’m going to buy a new game I skip Gamestop, Amazon, and all the other retailers. I just hit up my local Wal-Mart. And yeah, Wal-Mart are a bunch of assholes too. But at least they’re greedy corporate assholes that’ll take any money I throw at them. They won’t tell

To the dude with the girl who’s into girls. Here’s a thought; tell your girl you support her and let her have her time to experiment and have fun with another woman. But just once. Give her her own time to decide when, where, how, and who she’s going to try things with. Don’t insist on being there, getting involved or

Sure seems to me that the event organizers could have very easily looked into things, fixed the issue, nulled the results of the effected rounds between the last two contestants, and just ran the match again. I mean, referees in other sports go under the hood all the time and constantly examine the minutia of every

Sure seems to me that the event organizers could have very easily looked into things, fixed the issue, nulled the results of the effected rounds between the last two contestants, and just ran the match again. I mean, referees in other sports go under the hood all the time and constantly examine the minutia of every

Or, ‘ya know, buy them and just keep your Wii-U stashed away in a cupboard or somewhere until you want to play some old-school stuff you have on it. Then just plug it on and fire that shit up. Not hard, dude.

Tell me about it, bro. Its always a bummer when you break up with a business you’ve been a part of for so long, but $7.2 million? Talk about crying all the way to the bank. “Poor” guy never has to work again, after making two well loved games. That’s not bad.