
This horrifying in its accuracy

I love "You're The Worst" and hate "Love" with equal fervor - at least the horrible people in "You're The Worst" are entertaining to watch and deliver clever lines. "Love" just made me feel like I was trapped at a friend-of-friend's housewarming in Echo Park with the most insufferable hipsters LA has to offer.

Same - born/raised/lived in and around NYC in the early 80s and 90s. He was always a joke, at best, and a figure to be reviled, at worst.

And…Dolph continues his metamorphosis into Gordon Ramsay.

So it's basically "Mutants," that French film from a half dozen years ago? Which was great, by the way - you should watch it. Except it was a wife watching her husband "turn."

As a Bills fan who will actually be at the Oakland game, it saddens me that even the remote possibility exists that we might lose to the fucking Raiders. I suppose the alternative is that I might get stabbed if we win.