Bret Stephens strikes me as the kind of person who feels unfulfilled if they don’t get to talk to a manager at least once per day. He’s not only a bedbug, but also a Beckybug.
Bret Stephens strikes me as the kind of person who feels unfulfilled if they don’t get to talk to a manager at least once per day. He’s not only a bedbug, but also a Beckybug.
Don’t you have more important things to do? Like throwing bananas at black soccer players?
Rolled my eyes so hard I saw my own brain.
Bret, invite me to dinner at your house. I will NOT call you a bedbug. I will, however, give you a swirly and bang your wife.
This isn’t related to this article, but it’s still important.
I found the white bootlicker!
Maybe he’s tired of all the running and is asking them to lobby the next President for a pardon.
Dave Arneson got Jack Kirby-ed.
I guess you didn't read far enough into the article to see that Arneson sued TSR a couple of times over the past few decades. Does that count?
You’re not the smartest tool in the toolshed are you, kid?
Chrome won’t get you home.
At $35k it’s facing some difficult competition.
I ain’t going to no Kayne concerts, but I’ll put up with Dave to see his line-up.
I mean...I mean you was probably ti...
Just cuz they got a badge don’t mean they’re not a criminal.
It only takes three seconds to answer this question
Why are you so worried about what someone you will likely never meet thinks of you and why are you desperately trying to prove your allyship? It’s not like Jay can verify any of what you are claiming here . He never said all white people where his enemy anyway.