
Given that Thiel eviscerated Gawker I would say yes, he was probably really outed.

Well duh, a server not working for a week won’t have any pay. How could they if they don’t work any hours? IHOP isn’t docking any pay here, they’re just not scheduling the server to return to work for a week.

So we know you can read but your take on my comment shows me you can’t comprehend. No wonder you think chicken sandwiches are leading to the decline of western civilization. Good luck on your meat-free lifestyle.

Gawker outed two gay people while toeing the line that outing gay people is morally reprehensible. Fuck Gawker.

OP compared them you moron.

Matt Smith looks like he was halfway through a makeup session for “The Elephant Man” and then left the chair to go do stuff.

Industrialized and regulated food processing compared to a pet forced into being eaten alive? Nice false equivalence.


That’s a lot of words you typed. Guess you haven’t found your car yet.

Yes because feeding a live puppy to a snapping turtle is analogous to eating a fast food chicken sandwich.

ENTHUSIASTS CANNOT SUPPORT A BRAND. Lotus has been taking shits because enthusiasts cannot support a brand. Porsche makes the Cayenne because enthusiasts cannot support a brand. Blaming enthusiasts on lackluster sales just pushes the blame away from the real issue: Cadillac was the world standard once. No one is going

Can we make a new NRA that still teaches responsible gun ownership and marksmanship, and favors realistic gun regulation? This current NRA keeps peddling the idea that guns are a deterrent. They are not, and suggesting them to be used as such shows a lack of respect and understanding for firearms.

Kinja needs to be Old Yeller’d.

Connect some other way. My dad is conservative as hell, mom is very liberal, but they are both retired Navy. It’s worked for over 30 years.

Panama, Columbia, and Barcelona. Three corners which is almost an entire room.

First photo, third from the right, Abby D Phillip, CNN White House correspondent, formerly WaPo, Harvard graduate.

Without her powers she’s a 5,000 year old museum employee.

So if Wonder Woman were not Wonder Woman she’d get mopped up. Makes sense.