A Fusion Sport has two extra cylinders and another 700cc of displacement. It’s also pricey.
A Fusion Sport has two extra cylinders and another 700cc of displacement. It’s also pricey.
The purplest of Nurples in torques.
Pressing out primers, pounding out the indentation, mixing your own powder that is impact activated, and then reloading the primers and pressing them into brass yes this can all be done “with a little effort”. Right.
Oh, look 16.5 million results from “pigs flying”. You can’t be this stupid.
Yes because this process is realistic. Kinda hard to reload your own brass when you blow off a couple fingers.
See? That comment about making primers “with a little effort” lets me know you have no clue what you’re talking about.
You can’t cast a jacketed tip. You have to purchase them or used a press/dye to make them and it is very labor intensive. You can’t cast a primer. You have to purchase them.
“take his Howdy Doody counterfeit ass back across the street.”
My mother deals with this all the time in the defense industry. Hell, CSC had multiple class action lawsuits brought against them and I’m sure they are still doing it as DXC.
She’s got dual US-Asia citizenship, huh? By extension me being born in Japan to white parents would make me Asian as well?
Anyone that has seen these on the road knows they have a presence that can’t be described. Truly amazing cars.
I can back this statement up. Living close enough for the ACD Festival is worth it to me!
That’s $2.5M per college per year over a decade. We’re talking about colleges that have a minimum budget of $90 a year. Morgan is running at a quarter of a billion dollars. I wouldn’t accept a 1% payout/year either.
I have not heard of him being a sneaky shit - what is he doing that is less than reputable? No snark, I’m curious as someone that lives in a suburb of Baltimore.
One of the Opponauts recently spotted Harris in his Camaro making the school run in the morning.
Backlash: Gerber Life will not insure children with Down syndrome. Gerber sucks.
I hadn’t thought about how large child seats have gotten. Maybe I should rethink my GTI purchase plans a little...
My parents got through two kids with a sedan. It amazes me that people need a freaking minivan for two children nowadays, or a 3-row SUV.
Who buys a van for two kids?
Is there a reason the article left out the fact that Gerber Life will not offer coverage for a baby with DS? Gerber should get the gold medal for their mental gymnastics performance in picking this baby as the new face of Gerber for a year without even bringing up the fact that company policy states the child can’t…