
Ahem. Wind Waker would like a word with you. That was the last great console Zelda. Majora’s Mask is arguably the better game, but no Zelda since has captured the series’ sense of adventure and freedom as good as WW.

I’ve been told by a bunch of people that towns and other locations were removed from the game in order to keep a bunch of surprises for the game’s launch. I’m skeptical of the claim—we haven’t had a good console Zelda game since Majora’s Mask—but I’m hopeful. I’m seeing lots of cool stuff in the Zelda footage, like

My rationale is that I bought an early access game. It’s not finished, so until it is finished, all content that’s being added is being added to the base game that I already paid for. I’ll stop supporting early access games tomorrow if this becomes a trend.

No “Early Access” game should have DLC already. Like why is this even a thing. Finish the fucking game first before trying to nickel and dime people.