
*While using ad-supported OS X in a recording studio*

It's the same thing as brainwave entrainment, which has been around for years. The jury is out on whether or not it actually works or whether it's placebo (probably placebo... nope, definitely placebo). My roommate used to smoke weed all the frakin' time and got into brainwave entrainment and meditation and soon after

@Mark 2000: If there's a 'filter' out there to make an MP3 regain the bits of data to make it sound like a record (or CD-quality audio) then I would love to have it. But alas, this does not exist.

@HK-47: I've heard of a lot of bands that release CDs and vinyls at the same time, and depending on their budget (or their label's budget) they'll make masters specifically for vinyl where they don't compress it as much. But then there's the low-budget indie bands that want to release their album on vinyl so bad

@drewg: FLAC is a great format, but nothing beats WAV. I also understand they're huge as hell and not a lot of folks want to fill their drives with 70MB songs.

@whatne1wuddo: You got it. You get closer to hearing what the artist and engineer were hearing in the control room when they said "Hey that sounds great!"

@Mark 2000: The pursuit for the 'original music' is flawed, and impossible.

The decline in audio quality is 2-fold, and equal "blame" for its decline can be placed on the industry and the listener, but mostly the industry. To fully understand why our music sounds like shit these days, you have to understand what happens in the recording studio/mastering facility.

"Back in my day, we masturbated with pen and paper, the old fashioned way. And 'sexting' took weeks!"

@Cj Perry: Yeah, that's how a lot of drilling was done. Actually, there was a similar oil leak in the Gulf back in the 70's that was only a few hundred feet down and relatively close to shore. It still took something like 8 months to fix it, and that was only after drilling a relief well next to it (which is the

@Cj Perry: Yeah, that's how a lot of drilling was done. Actually, there was a similar oil leak in the Gulf back in the 70's that was only a few hundred feet down and relatively close to shore. It still took something like 8 months to fix it, and that was only after drilling a relief well next to it (which is the

@Bnvt: It's the same in music recording. People think they have to have the latest stuff to make it sound great. It's not always the equipment, it's the ears attached to your head and what you do with them.

@Xeno: I've been dreaming of 196kHz DVD-Audio for CD's for quite some time.

@zachff: I see that guy riding around downtown Decatur all the time. The stabilizer/trike wings that automatically deploy at stops is really funny to see in person.

I've been trying to get Google Voice for a long time now and I don't have a student e-mail. If there's anyone out there in the internets that has a Voice invite they could spare, you will have my eternal gratitude. I'm willing to deliver cake to you if you live in Atlanta.

@Ookseer: ditched cable about a year ago. I use Hulu and various other catch-up sites to keep up with the few shows I follow, and the rest of the time that I would've spent on the couch watching TV, I spend either reading on the couch or going outside.