Parth Athley

Steve's emotional arc was pretty clear cut throughout the trilogy. He goes from being a someone who believes that the state is primarily trustworthy in TFA and Avengers 1, to actively mistrusting large entities like countries or the UN in CW. He puts his faith in the people he knows, not in abstract concepts.

Are you sure he wasn't playing the Corinthian?

Mélanie is not a telepath. If you are referring to the scene in Episode 2 when she communicated with David in his mind, then she was thinking that thought to allow David to focus on it over all the noise. David heard her thoughts; she didn't project them to David.

Sure. But that's true of every Republican nominee. If you're talking specifically about Trump in his capacity as worse than any other Republican, then the blame for electing him does not fall on solely white people. Trump got a higher vote share of black people and Latinos than Romney did in 2012. Which leads me to

The ending of 'The Children' (last ep of S4) (when Arya departs for Braavos) had a similar variation of the main theme mixed in with the Stark theme. I personally loved it.

Too late.

We aren't having a Punisher series, so the question is moot

If they just post the video, it's engaging in piracy. By adding in text to make it look like a critique of the piece, it becomes fair use.