Parsnip Money

Yes, this is 100% true, I just watched the ep where she quits. It's a weird incident for sure but people seemed to genuinely care for her…Coby even named his kid after her.

Ugh does that mean someone from this season is gonna be back again for 30?
Seriously though my wish for next season is an extra-long game with 30 people, one from each season. 3 tribes: 1-10, 11-20, 20-30. Not sure who person 30 would be though.

More like HuNOPEa amirite

At this point I feel like this season might almost be decidedly boring on purpose in order to lower our expectations going into whatever insanity they have planned for Survivor 30.

Sorry, still not gonna watch Masterchef Junior.

I am embarking on a Great Survivor Re-watch. I have fond nostalgia-type memories of S1, but can anyone who's gone back recently attest to how watchable Borneo actually is these days? I worry it may not have aged well.

I know I'm a sucker for Sex Idiots but I'd rather (Choose both)

"Jeff, I think by tearing my money in half I clearly now have twice as much as the rest of the tribe."

Wow he said that? That's crazy. I need to go back and rewatch the post-challenge bit, that totally slipped past me.

Newbie question for those who've seen it all: I am intrigued by this show and I know it's an anthology…can I start with this season and work my way backwards, or is it really worth starting from season 1?

I agree. Baylor in particular seemed really stunned by Rocker's behavior in confessional, but we didn't actually see him say or do all that much.

A part of me will miss the weird things he did with his tongue. Seriously, wtf?

Gabon is like a trainwreck you can't look away from. Even the elephants couldn't resist that shit.

Daniel and Steven Baldwin: Celebrity Blood vs. Water 3.

or a Tigh?

Ellen Tigh is the Lwaxana Troi of BSG.

Aw come on the story options are limitless…
Xylophone concert!
Xenon poisoning!
A romantic trip to Belize's Xunantunich ruins!
Xenoblade Chronicles!

F you Brad Culpepper!

As someone who has no interest in baseball, I was able to immediately recognize Rocker due to my familiarity with late 90s Mad Magazine. I recall his ugly mug being the punchline for at least one fold-in.

don't go starting -gateGate now!