Parsley Mostly

A little by little is every bit as effective.

"Her's"? It was her experience.

"She"? I wasn't talking to you.

Holy crap, why are people crucifying you for sharing your experience? Crikey, people, it's not like there's only one truth or one story or one view on this. HardlyHarHar shared her experience and views and thoughts, and they are every bit as valid as yours, even if you don't agree with them. THIS is why dudes call

I like your whack-a-mole comparison. And I think you raise a really good point. Do you have an idea or suggestion on how to deal with this sort of stuff on Reddit? I personally just ignore it and never go there anyway, but I know that's not the solution for everyone, and that I'll prolly get blasted for having this

If they're both replicants and come to understand human love, then it opens up the question of what love is? Is it a truly unique emotion to humans? That is, if love is directly tied to what it means to be human. I think it's just as interesting, in a different way sure, when they are both replicants. It argues

I'm referencing this article! Crikey, don't get so pissy.

They do? Cyclists are weird.

Good one.

This makes me think of two things: dialysis and blood-bending. Katara should have done more of it, it was wicked cool.

The American media, you mean. Because it sounds like the reverse is happening where Japanese men are the majority. It's no mystery that people from other cultures are often dipected as the monsters or pussies, because other cultures do it, too. Not that it makes it right, but it is what it is. (How I hate that

You'd have to punch yourself then for going to a page marked SPOILERS, if that's how you were spoiled.

Your outrage seems a tad much.

Gawd, of course Gaga would want to wear an art piece and hijack the message for her own. Mine eyes are rolling like a coked up cookie monster. But seriously, those shoes are making me think of that movie Splice. Like my first reaction was, "hey, it looks like Dren got a job, neat-o."


That lady who played Nurse Ratched, Louise Fletcher, isn't just "that lady". She was a big fricking deal once upon a time, and deserves some respect. A name drop at the very least. Rude.

Here. I said here. On this site.

They're putting their scents on each other, and each wants to its own to overpower the other. That's also why cats rub up on things, so they smell like themselves. If you lick your fingers and then rub a cat's head it helps them bond with you faster. (Highly advised on to apply tongue directly to cat if human.)

Yeah, I'm with you. If he were Buddhist or Muslim or Wiccan no one would demand him to explain or justify his religion and how it relates to his politics. (When I say no one, I mean no one here. Of course there would be thunder from some segments of the GOP.)

Oh, I was afraid there wouldn't be a recap, and I was sad. And then there was, and now I'm happy.