Parsley Mostly

Lindsay in interesting in that everyone expects her to die, and wants to be able to capture her at this moment before she's reinvented as a dead hero in twenty years. They'll be able to say then, "I saw her genius, the poor tortured soul, and I caught for you to know."

Ha ha, truth! He'd prolly like it if you did both...

Yeah, it's a trap, isn't it? I say, if you're referencing the bloody title of a song that was clearly titled that, then you are clear to say it. If you call someone that, well, we can all agree that is wrong.

Me, too. And I like you. You comment well.

Oh, ha ha ha! Ryan, that's too presh! Yeah, he's gay. She's a knowing beard, and he just winked the shit out of his (and Tom's) gay rumors. Well played, Seacrest!

Oh, I know what you mean. Don't listen to the negative nancies. This is suggesting more than just plain hygiene, and I don't see how it's much different than suggesting a woman bleach, dye, or whatever her vagina for someone else's enjoyment. This site isn't feminist, alas. Still a fun read from time to time, but


Oh wow, I totally forgot about Rush. Whither Jason Patrick?

Ah, perspective. Thank you for that. Not being for something is not the same as being against it, and I think you shed light on something important. The issue wasn't that they were breast-feeding, but that they didn't get permission for something everyone else is held to.

Thank you for your insight on this. It's good to hear what service women say about this, because well, you have first-hand experience with both being a woman and a member of the military. Don't ever apologize for that rant.

Whither EU? I'm afraid Star Wars needs a few more years, maybe even another decade in moth balls before it could be great again.

It's sooooo right! Drunk Cersei is my current favourite!

Oh, he's an easy target. Bill and Ted sort of type-cast him, despite his quietly powerful turn in "River's Edge". He furthered the stoner-like Ted character in "Parenthood", only this time there was depth and warmth. And it was a treat to see him all evil in that shitty movie "The Gift". Okay, and you totally need

Are you trying to pick a fight? That's Evil Abed.

Yeah. Well, I hope learning this truth about your mom sheds light on some things that may not have added up over the years. She's very lucky to have you!

God, I love you so much right now. Thank you! Yeah, some might use and be okay, but others won't be. is it worth the gamble, the risk? My sister is dead because of her fricking harmless addiction, so I don't take to kindly to when people say drugs aren't a big deal. For some it's not, for others, well, they die.

Good, I'm glad to see someone else is, too.

Yay! It's true. For some reason, the natural oils our scalps produce is the best thing for treated hair. I only wash mine every three days, too, and it looks fine.

Oh heavens, I'm sorry! It breaks my heart, too. How awful. And recent! (I'm assuming.) I've never heard of this, but it's not surprising. It makes me think of Rosemary Kennedy. Her disfigurement was done to her head, but it's the same thing: something's wrong with a woman, so slice her up until docile. (That's

WORD! She's stupid, and just happens to be a woman. Also, stupid because of being so fucking dumb is my new favorite reason for everything.