That site is pure brilliance
That site is pure brilliance
I almost got pissed off at you, and then actually read (CONCEPT!) what you're saying.
Seriously? I've heard nary a peep. Gawd, what's the point, you know? Like who really cares what Rihanna does as long as she's not running down people in her car. (Obviously Chris Brown cares because he's a psychotic jealous ex-boyfriend.)
Hmm, I've never heard or read anyone slut shame Rihanna until people started pointing out how Chris Brown and some other guy slut shamed Rihanna. Is anyone really slut shaming her? I mean, other than those two, and the folks who do that to everyone.
You have the coolest name. I've said it out loud like ten times (I'm sure my boss thinks I'm nuts or plotting again...)
How DARE they deny me their sperm, money, and time! OUTRAGE!
Well, this has been a confusing day! So the accuser is stating he had a great bout of sexing with Travolta... what's he accusing John-John of then? Not trying to start shit, the bit just reads really weird.
I'm on a caffeine break at present, so I will be the first to admit I'm a wee daft. Did I read this right? Did they really cancel all student insurance coverage so that the women (because these are women we're talking about, right? Legal adults?) would not have access to the pill on their dime? Is this what's going…
Rihanna/Zoe sandwich? Ick. Way to prove to Jessica Alba that people are still creeps just creepily objectifying. So gross. And here I was all, "wow, Fassbender, you now have insight on how women feel. Their bodies and sex scenes are what they are asked about more often than their roles or skills. Progress!" And…
"Will Ferrell returned to SNL last night in an attempt to fan the embers of his dying movie career..."
Well said!
Your warmth makes my bitter heart flutter! I love your life!!!
That was my exact response, too.
Ha ha, this was excellent! Love it! Thank you, Lindy!!!
No, they're not. Very well said. So sad. But they are alive. And despite the awful tragedy and trauma, they were not that sicko's hostages for too long. That's a small silver lining, I suppose.
Hearted forever and ever, you wonderful quote machine of joy!
Allegedly abused, at this point, so your crush is still safe. I'm a HUGE proponent of innocent until proven guilty. Although Sean's history doesn't really help him out much here... Still, accusation does not equal judgement, so once again, you are free to crush away!
Your cankiness warms my cold, jaded heart. Adore!
I agree with you! Well said.
Oy vey, this battle again. I firmly believe there is no one right way to parent a kid. Everyone is different; socially, culturally, chemically, etc. I don't think I care if someone nurses her kid until the kid is ten. I get a little miffed when some lady says she won't nurse at all, but that's my own prejudice at…