Parsley Mostly

Anna's gone. I was happy to see her go, wrote about it (in a respectful way even!), and was promptly banned. The best way to get banned is to disagree with whomever the popular kids here like. Although since Anna's left Lindy has really stepped up, and she's been just stellar! And the vibe here lately has been

Honestly, when I hear ghetto, I hear the Elvis song. It's a pretty song.

Makes me think of last night's South Park...

Words of wisdom you speak! Every single word you said is true and so right on!!!!

Well, I certainly am not saying that's all there is to it. Don't know where that's coming from. Just pointing out what's been bandied about over the whole distance of the forehead and nose to mouth business. So uh, I guess, you win? Congrats? You must be a physicist, right?

My mind, it's been read!

Word. Every ex girlfriend or bedmate is crazy for some guys. Every ex girlfriend or bedmate is a slut. It's obviously their way of shrugging off their own accountability in the matter.

Fucking A, Lindy! Right on!!!! This is the best thing I've read all year. This is what needs to be repeated over and over again. MAJOR LOVE!!! Also, that's a dope image up there.

True, there isn't much out there beyond speculation, and that's a good thing. I'm not a big fan of people's personal medical information being released. I am mostly basing this off of my personal experience with people with this, rumblings I've heard about Mr. Voight, and Angelina's reaction. She went from saying

This was done 15 years ago with Liz Hurley. It's based off the Golden Ratio, or Spiral or whatever. There's some truth to it, but people aren't bound by simple logic and math alone. We gots reason and abstract, yo.

Yeah... but isn't he crazy? Has dementia or something. I think he has frontotemporal dementia. My father has it. He doesn't know anymore what's appropriate or inappropriate, and will say whatever pops into his head. I cut John Voight some slack, because if that's the case, it's not his fault. He can't learn to

I love your name, by the way...

Not so-called facts, you nose-picker. People can learn and observe from experience and life and see what's what without some impersonally random "sciencey" study done to back it up. Leave the nice people alone, and stop attacking them.

I'm using personal experience because I don't think I have to back up everything I say everywhere with "science". Personal observations. Chill the fuck out. I wasn't rude to you, and your tone is very uncool. Don't agree with me, but shit, I'm entitled to my opinion. And I'll note I didn't shit all over YOURS

It makes sense. I'm sorry it doesn't for you. What I'm saying is that compared to a few generations back, women have more responsibilities and men have less. Hence the more stress/less stress. Terribly generally speaking, men are not the sole bread winners anymore and have less stress in regards to "omg, if I lose

It's because men are spending more time being kids (i.e. living at home or having someone take care of them until they're 40). It's fricking stress, yo. Guys have less of it, women have more of it. We get to, if not be the breadwinners, then at least pull in half of the household income (if coupled up), and we

I am forever Anna's because she put a random Bowie lyric in there. Love you eternally!

True. One cannot and should not impose that morality on others, though.

I live a compassionate life: I freely give of myself, money, and time to those who need it. I am healthy in my actions, mind, body, spirit. And I regularly participate in outdoor clean ups, both in the wild and in the city, to preserve, maintain, and help grow the flora and fauna around me.

I would agree with you that the system of producing meat is not okay. It totally sucks.