
I hate to break it to you but 3 million people like Hillary more than Bernie.

I’m sorry, what an asshatted FAIL of a comment this is. The article is literally about the barrage of death threats and personal attacks on a state party chair, and you’re explicitly scolding Anna (a Bernie supporter) for covering that story? Because that is a legitimate story. Or maybe you think

Aggressive, violent threats directed toward women are widespread and underreported. I like Bernie, too, and I voted for him, but you’re human garbage if you think the right thing to do is to sweep this behavior under the rug for the sake of the campaign.

My feeling is, if these had been Trump supporters, would we be so concerned with “telling both sides” and “not painting people with a broad brush”? We already know the answer to this, and it’s no, we would not. We also wouldn’t be satisfied when the candidate in question mumbles a bit about not supporting violence but

This is the futhest thing from one-sided that could possibly have been written about the incident. Anna went directly to the people involved, got their sides of the account, and even seemed to make quite an effort to humanize them. If anything, it’s one-sided in their favor.

Bernie cannot mathematically win the fucking nomination.

Bernie lost. Get over it. Now you’re just making him and his supporters look bad.

She’s liked by at least 3m people.

Are you seriously equating a near-riot at a convention and a woman getting multiple threatening texts every few seconds altercation between an actor and another couple in a late-night incident? No, they aren’t nearly equate-able. Why even bring that up if not to excuse and distract?

And yet she’s... winning... by... around... 10 million votes... and 300 pledged delegates.....

You can’t get more two-sided than literally calling people and asking why they did the stupid thing that they did.

Again, provide examples of what the “Bitch” did that was criminal? Or are you just all hot air with nothing to back up your claims?

and yet somehow only one side sent death threats and threw chairs. odd, that

Do you have an opinion on the Hillary rally in Calif. Where supporters had to exit through a “wall of hate”and elderly women were called bitch and c-nt simply for being a Hillary supporter. Or signs were yanked out of children’s hands. Two sides to that one too?

I’m sorry, death threats, threats of violence, and slurs from Hillary supporters? Where please?

They are not “nasty tweets,” they are threats—some of them aimed at children. And if you think that’s not a major problem with the democratic process, I don’t know what to tell you.

You shouldn’t be surrprised at alll. Loud violent men have a way of crowding out every other narrative and memory. What I remember of my caucus: the screaming shaved-head Bernie asshole. All he needed was a beer stein.

If you’re sticking to the notion that this article is “one sided” are you asserting that non-bernie supporters were acting violently, making threats, and calling someone a cunt for doing her job? If that’s the case you may be right but otherwise, this article is about covering an unwarranted series of violent

I think the error was not changing the rules to suit the Bernatics.

So... #NotAllBerns