Get rid of Stephen A. Smith and Jon Gruden, please! We usually have one of our TVs set to ESPN2 in the morning (early guy likes Mike & Mike) and I don’t mind LeBatard’s show but once First Take comes on I can’t reach for the remote fast enough.
Get rid of Stephen A. Smith and Jon Gruden, please! We usually have one of our TVs set to ESPN2 in the morning (early guy likes Mike & Mike) and I don’t mind LeBatard’s show but once First Take comes on I can’t reach for the remote fast enough.
Yup. I often find myself playing a little game of “how much less frequently can I brake than the guy in front of me”.
When you’re coming up on someone on the highway, and they’re too afraid to use cruise control, and instead of being steady with their foot, their speed fluctuates between 65-85, and I’m forced to pass you 6 times because every time I pass you, you speed up top 85 and then pass me and then slow down to 65, or I’m stuck…
Hate to be a highlight truther here, but HOLY SHIT how can’t they call that travel? I think Earl/Dave Hebner are NBA refs now. League is more crooked than Lombard Street.
Labor forgets its class consciousness sometimes, but capital never does.
While not ESPN talent I would gladly listen to Charles Barkley and Shaq over anyone who went to school to pursue a professional career in broadcast journalism
The media needs to stop giving her a platform. The only possible response to Gobbels Barbie here is screaming “fuck you” loud enough to drown her out. She’s nothing but propaganda kept upright by six inches deep pancake makeup and contempt for all living beings.
By putting her back on the air all they are doing is validating alternative facts. They should blacklist her if she lacks credibility. I believe the colloquialism is, “Don’t feed the troll.”
Summary: “The blacks love me.”
This is peak Shilling, right here. Pure, uncut Shilling—you get all the arguing, with practically zero relevance or importance. It’s one step removed from incoherent mumbling to oneself, which, without Twitter, is exactly what he would be doing.
This ought to shut the highlight truthers right the fuck up. See? They do call traveling in the NBA.
In the mid ‘90s, I was assistant area manager for a rental car company in Reno for a while that carried Chrysler/Jeep, Nissan and Suzuki vehicles; I witnessed some of the absolute highest level of ignorance and/or disregard for people’s lives during the winter when trying to explain Donner Pass and the other roads to…
I read an article in the Washington Post the other day that mentioned a woman and her husband, who both get health insurance through Obamacare. The husband is on the list for a liver transplant. They both voted for Trump. And the wife was like, “Wait, he’s really going to cut Obamacare? I thought that was just talk!…
I’ve read articles where people voted for Trump and are now shocked that he’s probably going to be going after THEIR benefits. People do this all the time. Somehow, when they receive benefits or entitlements, it’s worth it. And somehow when other people receive the same, they’re freeloading. And somehow when someone…
I was honestly waiting for truck #3!!
Baldwin’s reaction is like that republican lady who got all mad at Ana Navarro for saying pussy on the news when she was quoting Donald Trump - same misdirection, same reduction of the word to the single, most recent instance of it’s use while blatantly ignoring the referenced, and far more significant, use.
At this point, I don’t think so. Dems lost in 2000, didn’t learn in 2004. The DNC hadn’t learned by 2008, Obama had to go around the party and upend it to get the nomination. That’s why Democrats lost again in 2016. They haven’t learned anything.
Fox News and Republicans have been feeding their base crazier and crazier things just to keep the votes, they’ve been dogwhistling their dirty politics for more than 2 decades now, and finally someone as batshit crazy and insane as Trump comes out and says all that garbage out loud and clear and half of America cheers…
I met Joe Walsh in a Colonial cafe outside of Elgin Community College during my lunch break some years back. I thought I recognized him and asked, “are you Joe Walsh?”
The Republican Party would have to have values first before Trump could represent them.