
I love how people who think they have an opinion on this complex, centuries old conflict, don’t even know that NO Arabs called themselves “Palestinian” until decades after the establishment of Israel.

That is absolutely false. Both the Israeli government and Jews around the world recognize the Palestinian people, as evidenced by the fact that they’ve given them multiple offers of autonomous statehood, every single one of which has been turned down. What a ridiculous thing to say. Sure there are some extremists who

There is definitely precedent for refusing to compete due to pressure from their government, but that doesn’t apply here because he DID compete against him. If he was scared of retribution, he would’ve withdrawn. Not shaking hands was just a dickish, Jew-hating move.

Your comment might make a tiny bit of sense if A. Wide swaths of Middle Eastern Arabs haven’t been historically disliking Jews since long before the state of Israel came into existence, B. Refusing to recognize the existence of Israel wasn’t in and of itself an act of anti-Semitism, and C. Olympic athletes had

You would think that someone who writes about sports for a living would be well aware that medal ceremonies are rarely shown live. Since they take place a half hour after the event is over, they have to start showing something else, and usually can’t seamlessly cut away from that to air a live medal ceremony. They

I love how none of them bother to even notice the fact that Jill Stein is a nutty anti-vaxxer who wants to ruin our entire food supply by putting a moratorium on ALL pesticides. It’s amazing to me what irrational hatred of Hillary will drive some people to do.

That was my exact reaction, NO, THERE IS NO BUT!!

It’s as if you’re making judgments about the DNC’s platform without ever having read a single DNC platform before.

Their ideas are definitely almost fucking identical, but her plans to implement them are actually much more detailed, nuanced, comprehensive, and achievable. And she also has... dare I say it? REVOLUTIONARY plans for things that he’s never even thought about, like support for families that are dealing with autism, or

And people think jocks are dumb...

“I got it. He killed her.”

Them*. He killed them.

I was thinking Rootin’ Tootin’ but I like yours better, more mature.

Are they pretending that they didn’t totally bail on LA in order to get to St. Louis?

When this story first came out, I *swear* I read an article that said they found a van with explosives in it, but then when I went back to find the link, it was gone. I am surprised that to this day, they still won’t say if they found any or not.

I’m not sure that I’d call my cats perfectly competent, in fact one of them is terrible at catting. I love them all anyway, though.

I guess I have a one-size-fits-all mentality in that I don’t think anyone should ever go beating anyone else up because they’re mad at them. This is a sport that specifically markets itself as being chock full of role models, and I’d probably have a little more respect for her if she did state publicly, “I am not a

Clickbait headline, I totally thought this was about real bears.

I was fine with his suspension. (And called for Raiola's before it came down.) I can't speak for other Lions fans, but I don't think we need to give anyone any more reasons to rip on us, and I believe that you can be feared and respected without being thuggish.

Having said that, I generally tend to go along with

I really want to know how one gets a skirt stuck in their throat.