
They are a little impersonal for sure.

I would LOVE to watch the upcoming short film! You must make it!!

I dig the *kitten mitten* in the pic above, but it’s less cute in one of the other pictures. I’m sure it would look more like this on me (but with unpolished nails, and less perfect hand skin). Resounding meh in this second pic.

Sentient coffee maker seems like step one in the appliance uprising. No, thank you.

No worries. I just wanted to pester you. Happy Friday.

And not really naked.

True. I would have been bummed if they’d stolen my packages, but not afraid on having them on my doorstep.

Eh. They were driving around my neighborhood on meth, with a loaded gun in the car, following a UPS driver, stealing packages off people’s doorsteps. So, I feel some pity, but also some fear of them. I think it’s more a portrait of drug use than general poverty (which I know, at times have correlation).

The internet has untethered me from my desk. Office work no longer has to be done IN an office.

I keep thinking “What? I thought David Foster Wallace died? Oh, wait, there’s no “ Wallace”. Who are these people?” Every. Time.

I’m not into precious moments for a variety reasons (religion, pastels, bric-a-brac in general), but if I was, I’d snatch these up in a second.

Me too. Then I lingered confused wondering why they were calling it his debut album.

I should have headed over to Gawker and unstarred troll-y comments before I lost my power!

How can we believe that without any exclamation points?!?!

When I STAR people’s comments tonight, it actually subtracts one of their stars. :(

Right? People are only sucking your nuts because your nuts are constantly in their face. Hide your nuts if you don’t want them sucked.

I mean how do those people even know the inanities of her life???

You probably need to drink a whiskey drink,

Ohhhh, he’s just a baby! A baby in shoulder pads. Ahh.

Ha! Yes. The day I can’t “poke the triangle”, I have bigger issues than watching videos.