
Listen to this podcast again, Susan explicitly states that there is no way Adnan could have committed the murder. Does that sound like objectivity to you?

Have you met anyone like Jay, or someone who is known to elaborate on their stories to seek attention or validation? They are pretty transparent therefore - people know to not take them at their specific word. Ergo they can't really manipulate too much. The people that actually manipulate and can effectively lie are

You do realize when the data wasn't working to absolve Adnan, she decided the cell phone tower data then became completely useless? So now you guys are falling back on the Adnan is the unluckiest person alive theory, and ANYTHING could have resulted in the murder of Hae Min and the police made up whole cloth the

Marah cracks me up. The laughing was SO inappropriate.

If someone was psychotic enough to strangle someone to death with NO motive, they would be exhibiting these sociopathic tendencies in other ways, no? Not just fibbing about stories. Killing someone then framing someone else shows a total sociopathic, no boundaries having person. There are people like this, and they

Its only a dumb thing if there is no dead body to correspond to it. There was a strangulation of this girl, his ex girlfriend. Stop parroting SK's speculation oh that note it could be ANYTHING. No. There was a murder.

Research on what? there is still circumstantial evidence that Adnan was involved and the police and the prosecutors helped Jay with his story to get a conviction. Jay just confirmed this himself.

And in Jay's interview he's saying that they characterized him with that and I think many ppl came away from that episode remembering the "animal rage" comment. So maybe he didn't use the phrase "animal rage" when describing how he felt or he didn't think that should have been the main takeaway from their

I believe Jay 95%, and give 5% probability that Adnan is innocent but the police, the prosecution, and Jay all colluded to put this one person behind bars.