
I feel for what she endured, but not putting the blame or vectoring her post-experiences on Hillary. Clinton was given a job, she did it to the best of her ability even after asking to be taken off the case. Defense attorneys do not take glee at their work or successes but it is a work that many (not the big $$ ones,

Trump is incapable of fully admitting that he’s in competition with, and being defeated by, a woman. This is why he continually tries to reframe the conflict as if it’s with Bill Clinton.

If Trump attempts to re-litigate Bill Clinton’s consenting adult history during tonight’s debate he will come across as an

Well Juanita Broderick is an alt-right wacko now and has a political motive in blaming Hillary- though I DO think something happened with Bill all those years ago. Wiley doesn’t like Hilary because as lawyer, Hilary Rodham was assigned to defend her rapist? That one just doesn’t make sense. The only one that seems to

Also she herself only recently started hating Hillary for it.

I don’t necessarily think the affidavit proves that Broaddrick’s a liar, but teaming up with Trump after that fucking tape is certainly makes me doubt these women’s sincerity.

I actually really for her because I can see exactly why she would be angry with Hillary and I don’t really blame her and because Trump and the alt-right have exploited her grossly. Unbelievable.

Now I wasn’t alive, or even in school when most of this happened, so maybe I’m not qualified to even open my mouth, but allowing themselves to become tools of trumps quest to trash hillary for what her husband did and how she reacted, doesn’t really make me look favorably upon them.