@POLAЯ: Heart. Click. That is all.
@POLAЯ: Heart. Click. That is all.
@tonyola: I agree. Does the silver one have different wheels than the red one, or is it just the lighting? Take away the chrome window surrounds and make the wheels the shade they appear on the silver car, and I'd buy a lesser one in a heartbeat.
I gotta admit...that's the first thing that went through my mind.
Well, there was a story in the Charlotte Observer this past Sunday that said we're having an increase in the number of meth labs here in the state...I suppose this is proof positive.
Pardon me while I head back to ca.jalopnik.com so I can heart-click you. I hate those damned commercials too.
@The Honey Badger: Charlie...is that you?
I knew it — the moment I read the post, I knew it would be selected as the QOTD.
@dontloseyourdinosaur: Oh — and I think the keychain thing is an awesome idea! I wonder if I know anyone in the property manager's office....
@dontloseyourdinosaur: Yep, falling windows. Several items fell during construction, including a steel or concrete beam on top of a bus (no injuries, fortunately — just the driver was inside and it hit the rear of the bus).
That's my building! I have a cool video somewhere from when they were testing out the lights and they cycled through pretty much every possible combination, including rainbows and red, white, and blue. Very cool. The green was pretty cool on St. Patty's Day.
@zerobandwidth: Aaaah, very interesting...thank you, kind sir!
Sorry — I guess I was a bit vague—
Nibbles! (Sorry - please disregard...)
This is the view from my desk at work. (Cell phone picture — sorry.) Parking lot, Charlotte Convention Center, and the building with the silver curved front and associated office tower behind it is the Redneck Hall...I mean, NASCAR Hall of Fame. The silver part has some LED lights embedded in it, and they change…