parkave231 can't get enough of that funky stuff

Can I admit something and not have you all laugh at me.....?

Come on, Jerry! From one Cosmo to another, I can smell a crack pipe when I see one! Now, if they drop the price by about three grand and throw in some Kenny Rogers Roasters gift certificates, then we might have a deal.

FYI to all — I was finally able to find an official dealership list from the Fiat USA website:

@Xander Crews: Looks like 711 11th Avenue, so you were pretty much spot-on — bravo, sir.

For whatever reason, I really, REALLY find myself attracted to the Cinquecento. Going from one of the largest cars you can buy to one of the smallest, although with the hatch, perhaps a bit more useful.

Jane Curtin: And now, in accordance with our public duty at 'Weekend Update' to present opposing viewpoints, here is Miss Emily Litella with a statement about a piece we aired last week.

One part Continental, one part Grand Monarch, and twenty-six parts Granada!

I had the same key on my '85 and '90 Park Avenues. I lost a hubcap on the '85 one day and went to one of those used hubcap stores in Marietta to get a new one. I got home and the hubcap had a *red* receptacle on the inside, whereas I owned a *blue* key. I took it back and they ordered a new blue receptacle from GM are you telling me it's bad that I like that generation a little more than the first (FWD notwithstanding) and would pay the same price for one of those in the same condition? :)

Yes, yes, yes, one million times yes! I wonder how much a plane ticket to Chi-town is this weekend.

I live off of 160 on the NC side...and no, I was not in the vicinity at 4:00 this morning.

Barbara Walters: Hewwo, I'm Baba Wawa with "Baba Wawa at Wahge." Today we awe tawking with Watan Tata, head of Tata Motows in India. Wewlcome to the show.

This lovely dish in the back of a hybrid Ford Escape (rear seats folded, of course). Someone else may — or may not — have to be driving.