
There was a talk about LoK in a more mature tone.

I find that Davies' run was cheesy and Moffats' less so. Both equally awesome though.

Artistically, I think its a beautiful show. Content-wise, it's nothing I haven't learned from previous friendship shows that came before.

I liked it a lot and I wanted to read an impression from here. But alas, no review.

That's so adorable. I need to get some AT swag ASAP!

It is made by flash so technically yeah, it's a flash show.

You're welcome. And if you have even more time, read this:

Amethyst for me. She has that free spirit feel going on that I really like.

Ya I edited my comment after I made sure of the pagecount. You should read the entire thing. I swear it's amazing and the comments section is mostly mature(Mostly).

I would read that either way.

Oh so was the idea that the 30 Rock characters were cosplaying as Mad Men characters? Or that they are the Mad Men characters but you would use their 30 Rock personalities?

Considering that I'm Bi, I kinda want that too. If anything here's the next best thing, The comic isn't about lesbians but the author wrote it so well that it didn't felt contrived or forced. This isn't the first chapter or anything but it's only about 11 pages or so until you're caught up to the latest page.

Whoa whoa whoa! You can't just announce that you made a 30 Rock (or Mad Men? Which is it? or is it both?) fanfiction erotica and just leave it at that! I wa-no-DEMAND some deets!

I would like to read your fanfiction, even if its shipping. Also, keep dropping those Wild Guesses! I like discussing what may happen next or interpret what the meanings of certain things.

I consider that all three Gems protect and love Steven unconditionally since his mother Rose Quartz was one of them. Yknow, sibling dynamics and all.

I would really love to see the day Steven is born. I expect it would be emotionally exhausting and the payoff amazing.

Maybe not immortal, but a longer lifespan? I gotta rewatch that, I wasn't paying attention if they are a century old.

I'm leaning towards a completely new Gem being. I can't say clone(If that's what you were talking about) for sure, especially in CheeseBurgers, where they talked about the Gem population for the first time. I wonder if these three are either the only ones left, or the only ones on Earth. I am excited for some

Check the link in the review to the SU Crews' Tumblr page for many of the music and demos by the team.

Really? So I wasn't being a little paranoid that in the arteries of the Crystal Heart were gems in the process of being born. DISCUSS!