


Ah, well okay then! More power to you!

Everything Burrito. And if you thought of Omelette du Fromage from Dexters Lab… I love you.

Don't forget that he's a child. If they were to shift blame, I suggest it be the Gems themselves since they brought him along in the first place.

Really? When I mean out of proportion, I meant that compared to the other episodes, Stevens eyes were HUGE this time around.

Not completely, with the way Pearl was observing the place the entire visit there and showing some disdain, I don't think its a stretch for them to not get overworked about an abandoned tower that no one has been in for around 100 years. Besides, It's not like there aren't other places that can become a Gems landmark.

Artistically, I think it's amazing. I would approve my kids to watch it if that means anything.

I love Ico! SOTC as well! High five to you!

One of my few gripes in Cheeseburger Backpack is the designs of the eyes. Stevens especially, they were noticeably out of proportion. But the next episode was all fine to me. Not a huge deal but I hope it doesn't become one.

I don't think Pearl cared for it much in the end considering she was shocked and admitted that the tower was crumbling anyways. Not a huge loss in my eyes and I think Pearl thought the same.


I like its "off" humor as you put it. It's subtly snarky focusing on humorous dialogue rather than physical gags. I hope that becomes a staple of the show to give it its own identity.

is this a review or a synopsis?

Dammit, that is a very high possiblity! I think that since there are barely any Lion Turtles around (So far), It would seem that this Anti-Avatar would have to energy-bend out of some benders.

Scary Go Round!