
Again, you cannot even begin to compare a small country school in the Ozarks to an inner city school of 2000+, especially when again, you go back to "when I grew up." 2012 is not "when you grew up," things are different now, school shootings and stabbings happen more than you all realize. The reasoning doesn't work.

Again, this isn't 20 years ago. Columbine didn't exist 20 years ago. You too are essentially advocating a "whatever goes" policy until something bad happens. Seeing the bad things that can happen, I'd rather eliminate WEAPONS from school just to be safe. The kids can trim their nails at home and use my scissors to

#1 I never said anything about having a problem with faculty carrying knives, I said STUDENTS.

Honestly? Again, you've never been in a school system lately. This isn't 20 years ago, Columbine didn't happen 20 years ago, schools need to think of this stuff now. With your thinking you essentially advocate students carrying around guns in school "just in case." The fact of the matter is if you lessen the ability

You obviously have never worked in a classroom, regardless of whether a kid chops of his own fingers or stabs someone else that's a huge liability on the school, which would then have their insurance go through the roof. Also, JUST a 1.5" knife for some kids in high school? That's enough to take out an eye, slice a

You can't get these anymore, I still have mine, and am thinking of laminating it. A couple years ago, maybe 2-3 now, a monorail driver crashed with a family in the front of the monorail. There was talk of driver distraction and now they don't let anyone sit in the front car with the operator anymore. Sad, sad day

If you like to believe that one book then sure. I hardly call that "proof" and it isn't in reference to the benefits of the individual proteins at all. If you read your own source it's all based off the assumption of non-meat eaters having lower cholesterol rates, and cholesterol being the driving force behind all of

Your body is meant to eat protein, a.k.a. meat, with proof of that being those pointy teeth on either side of your front teeth. They're called canine teeth and they're meant for ripping and tearing flesh. If you were supposed to just eat beans and broccoli your teeth would look like a brontosaurus's and be flat. If

@Sarcasmo - alpha and atmega: Lol I concur! I honestly don't even think of these debates for my own consumption just for the mere fact that people don't have the choice on their own. If people can choose to buy cigarettes and booze, both of which scientifically, medically, whatever all say causes significant health

@casperiv: Sorry, that whole damaged lung thing just isn't true, you need to do more research. Yes, smoking anything can increase rates of things like wheezing and bronchitis, but in reality and I'm sure your main point about the lung issue, is that you would liken it to cigarettes and cancer causing problems. That

@Damon Dimmick: Seriously? Hearsay? Just go google it man, read the many many articles that are out there on it, research some pictures. What you want is to be lazy and have everyone do the leg work for you to show you all the evidence. Go research it yourself, there are articles, are they going to pop up on Gizmodo,

@SkipErnst: He came across the trash pile as well...not just the creepy island

@Damon Dimmick: You're kind of right (and I could also be kind of wrong here too) but from my understanding there is essentially an island of garbage and plastic, some small bits and other much larger bits. This is all floating mostly UNDER the surface of the water simply from tidal energy and the fact that plastics

Ut already looks made for t.v.

Noooo! We're giving them ideaaasss!

I don't even understand anything that was said in this article but it's still one of the most badass things I've heard all day...

@carve: While you don't understand the point of the car I don't understand the point of your argument, lets see...