Parental Units

That. That is so true.

Also, too: gender swap all Tim Conway/Don Knott's collaborations, and midcentury Ernest Borgnine vehicles (McHale's Navy).


Well, I'll reevaluate when I watch the entire run from the beginning. That will be fairly soon, too.

'33' has the raw power of heroin, mainlined. I so resent the Thrace/Adama hook-up in this episode because I wanted some adult behavior in the wake of all the previous horror.
But, what do I know?
Humans, huh?!

I detest this episode.
You mean after all the fuckups and regrets (and genocide), you're going to behave this poorly, Lee & Kara?!
Bullshit plot devices, gag me with a Greedo shot.
It was at this point I started rooting for the robots.
'Black Market' was the absolute worst, though.