
It was more of a resigned observation. I spent my 20s and part of my 30s feverishly researching new bands. I didn’t even really notice when I stopped doing it.

Oh, I know Low! I missed them on the list. Thanks for checking me on my fucking bullshit, bro.


I recognize exactly one of these artists (Prince). It may be time for me to break the almost two-decades habit of loading AV Club first thing every day. Maybe start a little herb garden, call my dad, visit my aunt.

Woa, hey, cool it with the hot takes.

I wonder if the like/dislike for TLJ maps at all to how Johnson upends the archetypal hero’s journey that characterized the first trilogy and TFA. It’s like Johnson was bored with that millennias-old, tried and tested formula and said, You know what this series needs? Some newfangled postmodern ambiguity and

My quick dirty review of this book: the parts about Danny Torrance as an adult, his addiction, his alienation, and (to a lesser extent) his relationship with Abra Stone were all pretty decent.

Based on my Destiny 2 experience, building everything around the friendgame was... ill advised.

Good movie, shit marketing.

Those eyes!

I liked the Babadook and the Witch for very different reasons, I can barely remember It Follows and have snoozed on A Quiet Place, but yea, was the horror genre that starved of quality that any passably entertaining, well-crafted entry gets labeled a “modern classic”? Or is film criticism just lazy?

Your take is hot AF, but I confess I still have no idea why It Follows is as revered as it is. It was a perfectly fine movie but I simply do not get the hype. That’s the only thing keeping my expectations for this in check.

The wedding cake is the centerpiece of the wedding. Gay marriage goes against the guy’s sincerely held religious belief. Baking the wedding cake is participating, in a small way, in something with which he disagrees. Surely you can understand that?

I’ve vocally supported gay rights my entire adult life, so 25 years or so, and I celebrated the rulings that legalized gay marriage. But I’m glad this case turned out as it did. We’ve gotta find a middle way that satisfies both gay rights and religious freedom, cause neither are going away. For Catholics and Orthodox

Inappropriate, maybe/probably/context matters. Sexual harassment, no.

If everyone were racist, then no one would be racist. I think I just solved racism.

From the Wikipedia summary: “A machine/human-hybrid prototype formerly working for the Red Chinese, Toby Wong (Dacascos), forces a down-on-his-luck, extroverted songwriter named Malik Brody (Hardison) to drive him to Los Angeles after their first meeting in a bar. He is on the run from hitmen—a hillbilly

Waaaaah. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Do you think maybe there’s a safe space between the slavering neckbeards and the sniffing, insufferable throng of political gatekeepers for those of us who thought The Last Jedi was a poor movie on purely secular grounds?

A_Blaffair_to_Rememblack is my Reddit username.