@Archaotic: Metal Gear's speeches made me want to rip out someone's vocal cords. WAAAAY too much talking.
@Revolution_is_coming: as a straight man approaching his third decade, I am ashamed to admit that I played that game several times with my friend's sisters.
@Chronixal: Truly, the last crusade was awesome. It has actually aged relatively well.
@TheVegetarianBurgerKing: an awful lot of people get killed there, don't they?
@Yonderboy: your standup routine has now been perfected.
@moutski: with the huge cratering company that is Blockbuster, and the ridiculous wait times that is Gamefly, it's getting harder and harder to find a decent place to rent.
@Mokona: Even compared to last year's Prince of Persia the facial animations (especially at the beginning, UGH!) are horrendous in this one.
@Lider: agreed. That game rocked.
@mass9: notice that the zombies were pretty much the only reason that anyone played world at war?
@Orian: a little snippy today, aren't we? #kanelynch2dogdays
@PixellatedViscera: i laughed very, VERY hard.
@jb_1987: there is a LOT that opens up in BWT. I'd recommend you check out GameFAQs for the complete list.
As a childhood Disney fanatic (not so much anymore, thank you loss of innocence), I must point out that it is the "Phantom Blob" not the Phantom Blog.
back at UC Irvine's Zot Zone arcade in 2001, I remember Mike Nappi stringing up a 50 win streak against all comers in Tekken Tag (or was it Tekken 4)...
@excel_excel: me too. never had a chance to play this series. #godofwarcollection
@Kris: eh, tony's a cool guy . he gives awards and doesn't afraid of that asshole oscar. #princeofpersia
@NeVeRMoRe666: well, just think of it like the pendulum swinging. A lot of people credit the Xbox360's spectacular rise this generation to the ability to lock down some pretty meaty exclusives- now that the Xbox360 is leading, perhaps MS feels like it doesn't need to pay for them as much... #masseffect2