
I just looked at my character sheet and it turns out I’m level 20 that bitch 

Yeah, the five second ads at the beginning are not why I went out of my way to block ads on Youtube, it was the 30 second ads every two minutes on some videos. I’ve gone without ad blockers occasionally when I get a new device, and always end up installing one eventually, not because I mind a few banner ads here and

I think more people would sign up for ads free if it was say 4.99 and didn’t come with Music and stuff most people dont want from them

People wouldn’t be blocking ads if they weren’t intrusive, repetitive and inserted into videos far too frequently.

I would rather stop viewing YouTube entirely than allow ads. Advertising, in every form, is intrusive and unwanted.

You are the only person being toxic here.

This got me thinking. Mipha and Zelda were close. Mipha would have known that Zelda had secret feelings for Link. Despite that, she planned on proposing to him. There are only two logical conclusions:

Honestly while I would much prefer full backwards compatibility (at least as much as possible, things like labo not working I get) I really truly only care about one thing:

Will it have DLSS? honestly that in my opinion is going to make or break it as it would allow the console to actually go head to head with the PS5

Gotta love how this is being talked about like it’s an unsolved problem, as if there aren’t two major competitors who figured out this issue two console generations ago. Not that we shouldn’t be, of course—it just shows how skeptical we are of Nintendo’s ability to get this right on a basic level, lmao

I wish I knew how people can have so little going on that they can care about this, much less become actually distraught and upset about it.”

Physician heal thyself.

Oh, I’m sorry, I thought this was America. The whole point of everything we have accomplished as a civilization up till now is so that we can indulge ourselves to oblivion without any consequences or side effects. Also I think the chair should have a toilet.

Or after a good bong rip or dab for sure. 

Thank you. Is there anything Jamie Loftus can’t do?

First they came for the porn tube sites, but I was still able to find free porn, so I did not speak up. Then they came for OnlyFans, but I was still able to find free porn, so I did not speak up. Then they came for the adult movie studios, and I was having a hard time finding free porn, but luckily had a lot saved on

I don’t use these filthy websites. Full of nothing but trans “women”. Men in dresses. Soft, feminine men in red lipstick a black choker and a huge penis in panties. It makes me sick thinking about them every single day.

The entire realm in this fantastical game was recovering from an apocalyptic cataclysm was just subjected to another huge disaster and is thinly populated with the hero needing to recover their strength in order to stop the world from being destroyed but instead lets convince ourselves of some alternate narrative

So I think there’s some confusion here on the point I was trying to make, and it feels like you’re trying to make this a discussion about blame, which isn’t what this conversation is. Saying our culture is influenced by colonialism is like saying chicken nuggets are made of chicken, it’s just a simple fact with no

Not that you have a good point anyway, but the immaturity and willful ignorance in your response (*fapping motion*? Are you a child?) says far more about the limits of your intellect and imagination than anything about Dr. Gray’s work. The anti-intellectualism you’re displaying is stunning.

I disagree. I think it’s exactly how we should look at any kind of art: how does it reflect who we are as an artist, a participant, and a culture? You can love the game and think it’s beautiful and doing wonderful things. But you can also look at it deeply and examine what trends of design are present in it and what

I dunno, to me that’s where it gets way more interesting from a game design perspective.
For what it’s worth I don’t think they’re saying Link is some sort of imperialist, or that you’re a bad person for liking the game (it’s rad as hell, you should love it), they’re just pointing out how ingrained ideas in society